Cursos relacionados con Comercio y márketing
Duración: 400
Horario: Viernes, de 17:00 a 22:00 horas, Viernes, de 17:00 a 22:00 horas
¡No esperes más, realiza el Máster en Marketing digital e E-commerce PT y estarás preparado para crear estrategias efectivas de comunicación, relaciones y ventas digitales!
Duración: Weekend
Horario: 19h-22h
This program equips you to be a professional leader with a sound knowledge of the digital marketing ecosystem, with the capacity to implement the most effective commercial and customer relations strategies to cater for the needs of the market.
Duración: 10 meses
This program equips you to be a professional leader with a sound knowledge of the digital marketing ecosystem, with the capacity to implement the most effective commercial and customer relations strategies to cater for the needs of the market.
Te ayudamos a convertirte en un líder del entorno digital y ayuda a impulsar los resultados de los e-commerce.
Duración: 12 meses / 60 ECTS
This Master will provide you with the keys to online planning and help you take advantage of the opportunities that the new digital environments have to offer.
Duración: 12 months / 70 ECTS
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¡Happy Learning!