Carrera Universitaria relacionados
Abierta la convocatoria para Octubre 2021.
Dirige, gestiona y administra una empresa u organización ya sea pública o privada, bajo contextos complejos y cambiantes.
Carrer d`Aragó, 55, 8015 Barcelona, Barcelona
The Executive Bachelor of Business Administration program equips students with a comprehensive view of modern business.
EU's faculty is composed of highly qualified academics, entrepreneurs, consultants and business leaders.
Events that introduce EU students to globally successful leaders are a fundamental aspect of our approach to providing the business education that will kick start your career.
Studying a BA (Hons) in Business Management (Human Resources Management) in Barcelona gives students the opportunity to expand their business knowledge in one of the world’s most advanced smart cities.
Study cases to prepare you for real-world business.
Become a problem-solver by developing analytical skills.
A state-recognized BA (Hons) in Business Management degree from University of Derby, U.K.
The core courses taught during the first year will give students a solid grounding in all essential business disciplines, while the second and third years incorporate their chosen pathway, in addition to the core courses.
International learning environment that creates multicultural understanding.
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¡Happy Learning!