
Maestría Management International of Tourism - Full Time del centro EAE LATAM

Programa de Maestría Management International of Tourism - Full Time

Modalidad: Presencial
Inicio: A partir del 30/09/2023
Localización: Madrid


​“The Faculty combines university lecturers with travel & tourism professionals, connecting students with the reality of the global tourism system”.​

Globalization has given rise to increasingly segmented and competitive tourism markets, which affects companies that operate in this sector in two ways. Firstly, the internationalization and positioning of companies in foreign markets has become a critical factor when expanding their business, which is especially crucial in the tourism sector.​

​ Factors such as geopolitical uncertainty in particular regions, the emergence of low-cost companies with connections practically anywhere in the world and shifting habits in many societies have led to profound changes in the international tourism sector, which requires professionals capable of understanding the complexity and dynamics of international tourism in a constant state of development and evolution.​

A quién va dirigido

Equips students to lead business projects in the tourism sector, developing skills that enable them to adapt to this increasingly segmented and competitive market. The Master gives students the opportunity to learn to make decisions efficiently from a business and international perspective that always embraces new technologies.



Building a strong knowledge based in the tourism industry from an international perspective and always with an executive focus.


Learning the key aspects of drafting strategic plans and inmediata action plans in multinational tourism settings.


Training executives for the effective business management of tourism companies with the capacity to obtain the desired results at a global level. 


Developing the capacity fot creativity and innovation in a tourism company, as well as its sustainable management.


Develop required executive skills for a global tourism company manager to achieve the smooth execution of a collaborative, proactive, and participative project involving all of the team´s members.


Module 1 International Structures and Finance of The Tourism Sector

Structure of the global tourism market- 6 ECTS

Internacional finances for the tourism sector - 6 ECTS

Module 2 International marketing and comercialization of tourism destinations

International Tourism Commercialization and news technologies - 6 ECTS

Module 3 Talent and Innovation management in global contexts

Innovation and the entrepeneurial mindset- 6 ECTS

Module 4 Strategic Management and Operations in Global Tourism Destinations.

Operations and quality in tourism sectors- 6 ECTS

Global Strategic analysis in tourism - 6 ECTS

Module 5 Talent and Innovation Management in Global Contexts (II)

Intellectual capital and talent management in global contexts- 6 ECTS

Module 6 International Marketing and Commercialization Of Tourism Destinations (II)

Marketing Of International tourism destinations and products- 6 ECTS

Module 7 Master´s Thesis Defenses

Thesis - 12 ECTS

Titulación obtenida

Maestría Management International of Tourism - Full Time


To become an EAE student, you need to have a real thirst for learning, a dynamic and open spirit, and a desire to move forward in a participative and international environment. You have to be motivated to give your very best and not be afraid of demanding standards.

Información Adicional

Career Opportunities

  1. Tourism Product Director.
  2. Corporate Director of Tourism Organizations
  3. Director of Operation in tourism companies.
  4. Destination planner and manager.
  5. Consultant in tourism companies.
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