
International air and space program del centro Robotix

Programa de International air and space program

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Ciudad de México

A quién va dirigido





Have you ever dreamed of:

-Becoming an astronaut

-Being part of a space program

-Engineering your own spaceship


The program has 3 stages:

Stage 1: On-line streamings by NASA experts, tasks and challenges through our website

Stage 2: 3-day program w

Stage 3: Winners will advance to a 2 day program at NASA Space Camp in Hunstville


You will learn Space Science, Space Program Development & how to sustain life on a distant planet.

You will have direct interaction with real NASA experts, meanwhile you go to different facilities at Johnson Space Center.


Our mission is to engage students in critical thinking, teamwork, fast-paced problem solving, and real life NASA engineering skills.

Titulación obtenida


Información Adicional


Stage 1 is free.

Stage 2 has an all-inclusive fee of:

Includes: Admission, supplies, staff, meals, 4 nights in a hotel, transportation, and graduation.

Contacta ahora con el centro

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