
Inglés Comunicativo Básico Superior del centro IDEFT Instituto de Formación para el Trabajo del Estado de Jalisco

Programa de Inglés Comunicativo Básico Superior

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 180
Localización: Jalisco


Las principales fuentes de empleo son: Auto empleo, empresas, telemarketing, hoteles, escuelas etc.

Describing a situation and events in the past, comparing plans, predictions experiences, talking about arrangements and future
obligations telling present thoughts, Persuading, making phone calls, asking for and giving advice, directions, asking how long it
takes to get to a place, sharing experiences, expressing preferences and Views, ordering food, booking a room or a ticket,
complaining about services, using vocabulary like: action verbs in the past, sequence markers, words to describe Plans and life
in the future, types of food and ingredients, the media, for travelling and hotel facilities, adjectives to describe products, difficult
personal situations, Personality activities, words for departments in a company, store, hotel, services and facilities, expressions
for location, words for unusual experiences.

Información Adicional

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