
Work Placement Module del centro EDUPLANET LTD - BPP UNIVERSITY COLLEGE

Programa de Work Placement Module

Modalidad: En el extranjero


The Academic and Career Skills work placement programme has been designed by business professionals to provide you with the key employability skills that will make you stand out from the competition.

Developed to complement the academic components of other MSc courses, it includes a six-month, work placement post at the end of the programme which enables you to demonstrate your exemplary professionalism, leadership and managerial skills to prospective employers.

You can study this programme as an extension of one of the following:

- MSc Management

- MSc Management with Finance

- MSc Management with Finance and Financial Markets

- MSc Management with Project Management

- MSc Management with Tourism and Hospitality

- MSc International Marketing

What makes BPP¡,¦,s Academic and Career Skills programme stand out?

- Develop your personal brand, and identify your own Unique Selling Point and position in the employment market

- Gain insight into your own strengths and areas for personal and professional development

- Build the skills and competencies essential to become a valued employee, manager and leader

- Increase your confidence and realise your potential at interviews, meetings and work

- Benefit from coaching and performance management development provided by trained professionals

- Gain access to a host of resources, workshops and networking events

Key Features

Length of programme: Six months (Integrated into our full-time MSc Management and International Marketing programmes with an additional six month work placement at the end of your study year)

Start Dates: January, May, September

Study Centre: London &ndash, City (Fitzwilliam House)Manchester

Entry Requirements: To apply for this programme you must meet the entry requirements for BPP&rsquo,s MSc Management or MSc International Marketing courses and have also been accepted on one of these programmes

English Language: IELTS Score of 6.5 overall or equivalent Undergraduate degree that was delivered and summatively assessed in English Assessment: Written assessment and presentation
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