
University Master's Degree in International Cooperation in Sustainable Emergency Architecture del centro Universitat Internacional de Catalunya - UIC Barcelona

Programa de University Master's Degree in International Cooperation in Sustainable Emergency Architecture

Centro Premium

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Barcelona


This Barcelona-based master’s degree is the only such degree with a joint focus on international cooperation, sustainable urban development and emergency architecture.

This programme prepares architects to develop and rebuild communities affected by rapid urbanisation, poverty, conflict and natural disasters. Professionals involved in these areas need to 

understand that their role in the complex system of international cooperation is to seek holistic solutions that combine both interdisciplinary knowledge and participation from citizens. The ever growing impact of climate change, military conflicts,rapid urbanisation and economic crises represents a clear need and opportunity for qualified professionals in both developed and developing countries.

A quién va dirigido

Students are provided the necessary theoretical and methodological background, with an interdisciplinary and holistic approach that enables practitioners to manage projects ranging from 

the urban to the architectural scale. This one-year programme forms part of the Erasmus Mundus European Cooperation Programme.


Due to its academic format and accreditation, students who complete a master’s dissertation will be able to start a PhD at UIC Barcelona or any European university after graduation. Students work on their projects throughout the academic year with the help of our Writing Workshop and one-on-one supervision meetings with knowledgeable researchers. It is important for professionals in this field to develop a critical perspective, enhance their writing and communication skills and improve urban development and emergency practices with their proposals. 



Emergency Shelter and Settlements / 12 ects

1A: Introduction to Emergency & Urban Development / 3 ects

1B: Humanitarian Shelter & Settlements. Course certified  by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent  Societies (IFRC) / 6 ects

1C: Urban Growth & Resilience / 3 ects


Urban Development and Community Design / 6 ects

2A: Governance, Participation & Social Design / 3 ects

2B: Bottom-Up Strategies for Urban Regeneration / 3 ects


Socio-Spatial Strategies / 12 ects

3A: Socio Spatial Workshop for Integrated Urban Upgrading / 3 ects

3B: Participation as a Tool for Upgrading / 3 ects

3C: Environmental Justice & Urban Development / 3 ects

3D: Participatory Planning & Community Design / 3 ects


Internship / 15 ects

International Field Trip / 5 ects

Internship / 10 ects


Master’s Thesis / 15 ects

Writing Workshop

Final Thesis Defence 

Titulación obtenida

Official Master’s Degree accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Education.


Holders of a university degree in the following areas: 

  1. Architecture, Urban Development, Planning, Urban 
  2. Design, Landscape Architecture, Engineering, 
  3. Geography and International Cooperation

Información Adicional

Precio: 10.800 €

Precio/ECTS: 180 €

Derechos inscripción: 509 €

PRECIO TOTAL: 11.309 €

ECTS: 60

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