
University Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurial Financing: Venture Capital and Private Equity del centro Universitat Internacional de Catalunya - UIC Barcelona

Programa de University Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurial Financing: Venture Capital and Private Equity

Centro Premium

Modalidad: Presencial
Precio: 11220 €
Localización: Barcelona


Delivered by highly experienced industry professionals

Within the current macroeconomic climate, given the lack of existing credit, venture capital and private equity have become increasingly popular funding alternatives for companies in their own right.

Barcelona shines in this regard, as it is home to numerous organisations that specialise in venture capital, private equity and corporate finance, which provide support for and fund the development of new companies. The city is somehow looked at in the same way Silicon Valley was in the United States at one time

A quién va dirigido

  1. You would like to specialise in venture capital, private equity, transaction services or corporate finance
  2. You would like to shift your career towards setting up a new business or developing a new concept or business area within a specific company
  3. You recently graduated with an official Bachelor’s Degree or you are a young professional


At UIC Barcelona, we aim to promote an entrepreneurial spirit and the creation of companies in our society, which is why we offer you the best education in this field. This university master’s degree will provide the knowledge and experience you need to promote entrepreneurship, with a special emphasis on funding as the key issue.



Venture Capital & Entrepreneurial Financing

6 ects / Compulsory

Entrepreneurship, Strategy & Business Modelling

6 ects / Compulsory

Technology, Innovation & Leadership

6 ects / compulsory

Private Equity - Advanced Corporate Finance

6 ects / Compulsory

Portfolio Management

3 ects / Optional

Impact Investment**

3 ects / Optional


3 ects / Optional

Venture Capital , Private Equity Law and Taxation

3 ects / Optional


Work Placement in a Company

15 ects / Compulsory

Final Master’s Degree Project

15 ects / Compulsory

Titulación obtenida

University Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurial Financing: Venture Capital and Private Equity


To carry out the course it is necessary that students have knowledge in the sector to study

Información Adicional

Professional Opportunities

  1. Jobs in strategic consultancy and finance companies
  2. Venture capital and private equity departments in investment banks
  3. Transaction service departments and corporate finance positions in auditing firms and financial consultancy firms
  4. Venture Capital and Private Equity Funds

Price: 10.740 €

Price: ECTS: 179 €

Registration fees: 480 €

Price: 11.220 €

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