
Postgrado en International Hospitality Management (London) del centro London School of Business & Finance

Programa de Postgrado en International Hospitality Management (London)

Modalidad: Online



This programme is designed for students who are aiming to explore their careers in the hospitality industry or pursue higher qualification in the field of hospitality management.

Minimum Academic Entry Requirement:

Three passes in Singapore-Cambridge GCE O Levels Examination or

Two passes in Singapore-Cambridge GCE A Level Examinations, or

Completion of equivalent high school qualification (12 years), or

Pass in appropriate Foundation / Certificate programme, or

Minimum age of 21 plus appropriate level of relevant work experience (mature entry route), will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, which may include interviews and/or further documentation (e.g. company letter or letter of appointment).

Minimum English Language Entry Requirement:

Students must have achieved a grade C6 or better in English language O level, or the equivalent. All international students for whom English is not their first language must provide evidence of their linguistic ability by gaining a minimum level of IELTS 5.0 or equivalent, prior to receiving an offer for the course. Otherwise, pass LSBF PCE-Upper Intermediate English program

Información Adicional

Qualification: Diploma in International Hospitality Management

Duration: 6 months Full Time

12 months Part Time

(Additional 6 months Industrial Attachment programme)

Start dates: January, March, November

Campus available: Singapore
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