
Postgrado en Global MBA (Oil, Gas and Energy Management) (Birmingham) del centro London School of Business & Finance

Programa de Postgrado en Global MBA (Oil, Gas and Energy Management) (Birmingham)

Modalidad: Online



The energy market is crucial to the global economy, and is one of the most profitable industries there is. This degree will give you highly valued industry insight, including an overview of contemporary issues in the market.

One the most delicate issues right now is that of carbon management &ndash, not just for energy companies, but for all businesses. What you take from this programme will give you a unique perspective on the future of business.


The energy market is crucial to the global economy, and is one of the most profitable industries there is. This degree will give you highly valued industry insight, including an overview of contemporary issues in the market.

One the most delicate issues right now is that of carbon management &ndash, not just for energy companies, but for all businesses. What you take from this programme will give you a unique perspective on the future of business.


Stage I Marketing and Business Environment (15 credits)

Accounting and Managerial Finance (15 credits)

Systems and Operations Management (15 credits)

Research Methods

Stage II Strategic Management and Leadership (15 credits)

Contemporary Issues in Oil, Gas and Energy (15 credits)

Carbon Management and Entrepreneurship (15 credits)

Research Methods

Stage III Online Dissertation and Research Methods (30 credits)

Información Adicional

Qualification: MBA Global

Duration: Full-time 15 months (12 months on campus, 3 months online dissertation)

Part-time 24 months (12-24 months on campus, 3-6 months online dissertation)

Online 15-36 months (100% online with optional blended study on campus)

Start dates: March, June, September

Campus available: London, Birmingham, Manchester, Online
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