
Pharmacology (Bachelor Honours) del centro Royal Universities

Programa de Pharmacology (Bachelor Honours)

Modalidad: Presencial



GESTIONAMOS TU INGRESO en una universidad británica. Elije entre alguna s de las mejores universidades y estudia este grado con una financiación del 100% del gobierno británico en condiciones muy especiales. ¡,Garantizamos tu plaza!

This degree is divided into Stages and each Stage lasts for an academic year:

you take 120 credits', worth of modules at each Stage some modules are compulsory to make sure you get all the essential knowledge you need optional modules let you tailor the degree towards your personal interests

Programme modules do change and therefore may differ for your year of entry.

Stage 1

Compulsory modules

BGM1002 Biochemistry

CMB1004 Cell Biology

BGM1004 Genetics

CMB1005 Practical Skills in Biomedical & Biomolecular Sciences 1

CMB1003 Microbiology and Immunology

PED1003 Pharmacology

PSC1002 Physiology

CMB1006 Practical Skills in Biomedical & Biomolecular Sciences 2

Stage 2

Compulsory modules

CMB2000 Principles and Practice of Molecular Techniques

CMB2001 Control of Eukaryotic Gene Expression

CMB2004 Cell and Molecular Biology of the Immune System

PSC2002 Membrane Transport and Cell Signalling in Health and Disease

PED2001 Drug Disposition and Pharmacokinetics

PED2005 Systems Pharmacology

PSC2026 Cardiovascular System for Pharmacologists

Stage 3

Compulsory modules

PED3001 Pharmacological Techniques

PED3003 Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Development

PED3005 Advanced Pharmacogenetics

PED3006 Carcinogenesis and Anticancer Drugs

PED3008 Advanced Topics in Neuropharmacology

PED3011 Toxicology

PED3012 Integrated Pharmacology

You will take one of the following modules. The relevant module will be determined by the School.

CMB3000 Project

CMB3001 Experimental Design and the Process of Research

CMB3002 Research Project for Exchange Students

Optional modules

You take one of the following optional modules:

PED3013 Research in Pharmacological Sciences

BMS3003 Business for the Bioscientist

BMS3015 Healthcare Organisation and Practice

BMS3016 Science Communication

BMS3022 Bioethics
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