
Odontología, ortodoncia, ATM – articulación temporomandibular, fisioterapia del centro FORMEDIKA

Programa de Odontología, ortodoncia, ATM – articulación temporomandibular, fisioterapia

Modalidad: Online



SESSION 1 Articular diagnosis

To learn the basics of the anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of the stomatognathic system. We will also learn to diagnose pain and relate this pain to anatomical structures. Understand and

diagnose radiological images. Another important aspect will be to understand and manage joint sounds



* Diagnosis: anatomy and physiology of the TMJ

* Map of pain

* TMJ Pain - Map of pain:

- Pain 1, 2 and 3: diagnosis

- Pain 4, 5 and 6: diagnosis

- Pain 7 and 8: diagnosis

* Radiological diagnosis of TMJ

- Read and understand CBCT, RMN of TMJ images (tomography, magnetic resonance)

* Clinical details to consider in children&rsquo,s and teenager&rsquo,s TMJ diagnosis

* Cranio-facial pain diagnosis, related to muscular pain, muscular parafunction, headaches

* TMJ sounds

- Classification and diagnosis

* Importance of mandibular dynamics

* Radiographic diagnosis of the vertical vertebrae

* Classification of subluxations and articular pathologies

* The importance of condylar position in the fossa

* Mandibular arthrokinematics

* TMJ: diagnosis and condylar position*

- Learn to capture the arc of closure

- Wax bites

- Facial bow

- Articular mounting

- Clinical advantages of a semi-adjustable articulator

- Kennedy cuts for final diagnosis

- Diagnosis set up

* Condylar position control using and understanding C.P.I and M.P.I.

* Occlusal diagnosis on the articulator

* Students must bring excellent impressions of their detition. Splints will be made



SESSION 2 Splint...when, where, how and why

Understand and manage theoretical and practical basis of orthopedic interocclusal appliances to establish a differential diagnosis and an accurate treatment plan dependent on articular disorders


* Condylar repositioning splint: construction, indications, use and management

* 3 Piece splint: construction, indications, use and management

* Distraction splints: construction, indications, use and management

* Anterior splints: construction, indications, use and management

* Anterior bite plane: construction, indications, use and management

* Different treatments with different splints

* Important aspects to take into consideration before placing the splint

* Important characteristics in the fabrication of the splint before its use

* Treatment planning for the TMJ and the musculature

* The importance of achieving a stable condylar position in the fossa

* When to know if we have a stable condylar position

* Electromyographic analysis of the different muscular actions depending on the placed splint

* What we &ldquo,do not&rdquo, do in our treatments and why

* Condylar seating in a muscular-skeletal stable position (C.R.)

* Management of the vertical dimension with splints

* Management of the vertical dimension with orthodontics

* The importance of reducing the anterior vertical dimension depending on the TMJ and occlusal stability

* Diagnosis and Treatment of Bruxism

* Presentation of clinical cases

* Presentation of clinical cases by students

* Splints:

- Splint placement

- Splints adjustment

- Splint diagnosis


SESSION 3 Cranio-cervical

Understand and manage theoretical and practical basis to connect clinically the cranio-mandibular

unit with the cranio-vertical unit. The importance of the physiological curvature and the influence

it exerts over the mandibular position will be seen, and therefore the occlusion. Analysis

and concepts about physiology and musculo-skeletal articular biomechanics


Integration of functional units

* Centric-cranio-vertebral concept

* Temporomandibular joint and vertical column

* Analysis and cranio-cervical cephalometric tracing

* Lip seal: functional and non-functional 5%

* Cranio-cervical system and its interrelation with facial biotypes

* Arthrokinematics of the TMJ unit

* Map of articular pain of the TMJ

* Head and neck: Cervical-headaches

* Patients care: Physiotherapy in cranio-cervical-mandibular disorders

Osteoarticular System

* Introduction to intra-articular disc pathology

* Disc-condyle and condylar-disc subluxation concept

* Intra-articular pathology of the TMJ: Avascular necrosis of the mandibular condyle, chondromalacia,

degenerative processes. Clinical cases

* Progression of the disc pathology

* Physiotherapy in cranio-cervical-mandibular disorders

* Disc subluxations treatment: Disc reduction techniques

* Non reducible disc luxation treatment

Soft tissue and craniovertebral

* Cervical craniofacial pain (clinical cases)

* Anatomic cuts of the sub-cranial column

* Cervical-facial pain

* Therapeutic techniques of the superior cervical column for degenerative processes of the inferior

cervical column

* Mioaponeurotic/myofascial pain

* Muscular evaluation (cranial-cervical-mandibular)

* Importance of the soft tissues and their influence on the cervical column stability and instability, IX

Unit: Dysautonomia





SESSION 4 Occlusal diagnosis

Be able to diagnose future articular pathologies related to growth and development disorders.

And to establish an accurate therapeutic approach for TMJ disorders


* Roth-Jarabak: clinical application and its implication on the diagnosis of the TMJ

* Roth-Jarabak: posterior growth analysis of the face and its relation on the articular pathology

* The importance of the diagnosis on the posterior mandibular rotation

* The influence of TMJ pathology on the maxillary and mandibular growth

* Posterior cranial base and its relation with subluxations

* Clinical vision of premature contact, importance and relation on the articular diagnosis

* Skeletal patterns, growth and articular pathology

* Articular pain:

- Pain 1, 2 and 3: treatment and clinical cases

- Pain 4, 5 and 6: treatment and clinical cases

- Pain 7 and 8: treatment and clinical cases

* What is vertical control?

- Mandibular autorotation in pursuit of stability and articular health

- Prevention among children

- Treatments and clinical cases

* Posterior vertical control of the occlusion

- The importance on the mandibular counterclockwise autorotation treatment

* Presentation of clinical cases




Learn to manage and treat different articular pathologies


* Clinical cases of different articular pathologies: prescribed treatments

* Functional spaces

* Streching and elongations of the articular capsule

* Long term controls, 4, 8 and 12 years: see the positive remodeling of the joints

* Degenerative articular pathology progression

* Treatments, exercises

* Disc mobilization

* Avascular necrosis

* Parafunction

* Clinical cases, different articular pathology treatments: subluxations, degenerative processes

* Clinical practice among students
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