
Nutrition and psychology (Bachelor Honours) del centro Royal Universities

Programa de Nutrition and psychology (Bachelor Honours)

Modalidad: Presencial



GESTIONAMOS TU INGRESO en una universidad británica. Elije entre alguna s de las mejores universidades y estudia este grado con una financiación del 100% del gobierno británico en condiciones muy especiales. ¡,Garantizamos tu plaza!

This degree is divided into Stages. Each Stage lasts for an academic year and you need to complete modules totalling 120 credits by the end of each Stage.

Please be aware that programme modules do change and therefore may differ for your year of entry.

Stage 1

Compulsory modules

You will take the following compulsory modules:

ACE1013 Introduction to Genetics

ACE1041 Investigating Agri-Food Systems from Farm to Folk

ACE1043 Introduction to Human Nutrition

ACE1050 Academic and Research Skills for Joint Honours Study

BIO1019 Introductory Biochemistry for Biologists

PSY1004 Cognitive Psychology

PSY1005 Sensation and Perception

PSY1006 Instinct, Learning and Motivation

PSY1011 Research Methods and Skills 2

Stage 2

Compulsory modules

You will take the following compulsory modules:

ACE2037 Experimental Human Nutrition

ACE2038 Nutrition in the Lifecycle

ACE2048 Communicating about Food and Nutrition

ACE2058 Research Methods for Food and Human Nutrition

ACE2059 Nutrition and Metabolism

PSY2001 Developmental Psychology

PSY2002 Visual Perception

PSY2003 Social Psychology

PSY2004 Individual Differences

PSY2014 Cognitive Neuroscience

PSY2016 Abnormal Psychology and Psychiatry

Intercalating Year (optional)

You may choose to spend a year between Stages 2 and 3 on an approved work placement in the UK or abroad. During this year, you will complete a report about the work undertaken during your placement. If you do, you will take the following compulsory module:

ICM0047 Intercalating Module for BC48

Stage 3

Compulsory modules

ACE3062 Sports and Exercise Nutrition

ACE3084 Advanced Nutrient Metabolism and Requirements

ACE3086 Human Nutrition in Health and Disease

ACE3901 Joint Honours Project

Optional modules

You take 40 credits from the following optional modules:

ACE3054 Plants as Foods

ACE3066 Food Marketing and Policy

ACE3083 Integrating Food and Human Nutrition

PSY3001 Evolution and Behaviour

PSY3002 Evolutionary Psychology

PSY3006 Consumer Psychology

PSY3008 Art, Mind and Brain

PSY3009 Cooperation

PSY3016 Sex and Human Nature

PSY3018 The Damaged Brain: Case Studies in Neuropsychology

PSY3022 The Psychology of Financial Decision Making

PSY3026 Psychology of Religion

PSY3027 Disorders of Development: A Psychological Perspective

PSY3030 Foundations in Forensic Psychology

PSY3031 The Psychology of Teaching and Learning

Please note: This degree is not currently accredited by the Association for Nutrition or the British Psychological Society
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