
MBA (Master of Business Administration) del centro Royal Universities

Programa de MBA (Master of Business Administration)

Modalidad: Presencial


Sheffield University Management School, Faculty of Social Sciences

Triple Crown accreditation means we meet the high standards of three of the world',s most prestigious accreditation bodies: AMBA, EQUIS and AACSB. This puts us in the top one per cent of business schools worldwide.

We teach business management from a truly global perspective. Our staff and students come from all over the world. And our courses are based on pioneering research into the challenges faced by businesses everywhere.

About the course

Accredited by the Association of MBAs, EQUIS, AACSB, the Chartered Management Institute and the Institute of Consulting

The Sheffield MBA is about not doing the expected thing. It',s about thinking differently, aiming higher, asking for more. It',s about the extraordinary career you always wanted.

The Sheffield MBA, which blends world-class research with hands-on experience, is based on three big challenges: leadership, entrepreneurship and consultancy.

Throughout the course, you',ll act as a consultant to a company, applying what you learn to real-world scenarios. Our business development team and staff from our employability hub will introduce you to potential clients and help you find the right match, based on your background and interests.

Going back to full-time study is a bold move. But with Sheffield the potential rewards are huge. Our MBA is designed to prepare you for leadership. It will challenge you to think creatively and make the most of every opportunity.

Our world-leading experts can teach you the techniques and methods you need to be a truly inspiring leader.

Core modules

Management Consultancy

Managerial Economics

Accounting and Financial Management

Managing Organisational Behaviour

Operations Management

Enterprise Information Systems

Essentials of Marketing Practice

Strategic Management

Strategic Management Accounting

Management Inquiry

Leadership for Organisational Performance

New Venture Planning

Project Dissertation

Optional modules

Optional modules include:

International Business

Corporate Finance

Human Resource Management

Risk and Crisis Management


Three-hour teaching periods with lectures, seminars and guest speakers

Industrial visits



Individual and group assignments and presentations

Formal exams

Project report
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