
Master’s Degree in Technology and Engineering Management del centro Escuela Superior de Ingenierías Industrial, Aeroespacial y Audiovisual de Terrassa. ESEIAAT

Programa de Master’s Degree in Technology and Engineering Management

Modalidad: Presencial , Online
Localización: Barcelona


The Master in Technology and Engineering Management (MEM) is a challenging 1.5-year (90 ECTS) professional and academic degree program offered by the School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering of Terrassa (ESEIAAT) at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya·BarcelonaTech. This 100-year old engineering school combines valued tradition with entrepreneurial spirit in an innovative environment.

What is the goal of the Master in Technology and Engineering Management (MEM)?

The objective of the Master in Technology and Engineering Management is to develop the knowledge and skills of engineers and scientists in the management of people, projects, resources and organizations in technical environments. For this reason, the Master in Technology and Engineering Management (MEM) focuses on effective decision-making in engineering and technological organizations through today's competitive and fast changing business environment.



Master's Degree in Technology and Engineering Management

The Master in Technology and Engineering Management (MEM) is a challenging 1.5-year professional and academic degree program offered by the School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering of Terrassa (ESEIAAT) at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya·BarcelonaTech.

Course Structure

The Master in Technology and Engineering Management curriculum includes:

4 Core Courses (30 ECTS)

4 Elective Courses (30 ECTS)

1 Master Thesis (30 ECTS)

Welcome and Mentoring program

The welcome program helps student to understand how the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya works: the courses, the library services, the cultural activities, how to participate in university government, how to use the available information technologies, etc. On the other hand, all students will also have, from the first day, a mentor during all time they will be enrolled in the MEM. The mentor will:

Keep track the academic progress of the student

Advise the student about their academic decisions


When can I begin the MEM?

The MEM curriculum doesn't require students to complete courses in a specific order, so student can begin the MEM in the Winter or Spring term.

What is the schedule of the MEM?

Classes are taught in the mornings of the weekdays. Depending on the election of elective courses, students will have to assist to the courses of the MEM during 4 or 5 days per week. The average number of classroom hours per week is 16. The first semester begins the third week of September and finalizes at the end of January. The second semester begins in the third week of February and finalizes the end of June.

Are applicants required to have prior work experience?

No. The MEM program also accepts students with no previous work experience.

Does ESEIAAT provide internships to the students?

ESEIAAT has many resources available to help students secure a internship, but the final responsibility resides with the student to find his or her desired internship. Nowdays, ESEIAAT has agreements with more than a hundred companies.

Does ESEIAAT provide mobilities to the students?

ESEIAAT participates in various mobility programs (e.g. ERASMUS), so students can do part of the Master in another university. Due to the length of degree program (1.5 year or 3 semesters), students just can do the mobility in the second year (3rd semester) to carry on the Master Thesis.

What kind of resources do I need to enroll to the MEM?

You don't need any specific resource to study in the MEM. However, there are many courses where students develop activities and projects in the classroom. For this reason, we recommend to bring a laptop to the class. Depending on the course and the session, professors will ask you to bring your own laptop or just one per group. Professors will tell you what you need to bring in each session. Don't worry, because the university library can borrow laptops if necessary.

How is the qualification system of the courses?

The final grade of the courses depends on the following assesment items:

Project, weight 40%

Final exam or test, weight 30%

Classroom and/or online activities, weight 30%

Información Adicional

Application requirements

See the General academic access requirements(obriu en una finestra nova) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Admission to the MEM program also requires:

A bachelor's degree in engineering (transcripts required, including an estimated GPA and a grade scale)

Students whose first language is not English are required to submit a certificate of the results of a test of English equivalent to B2.2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

When can I begin the MEM?

The MEM curriculum doesn't require students to complete courses in a specific order, so students can begin the MEM in the Winter or Spring term.

Pre-enrolment and enrolment procedure

The pre-enrolment(obriu en una finestra nova) and the enrolment procedure(obriu en una finestra nova) is the same for all Master's Degrees in the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Online application

Thank you for your interest in applying to MEM program. If you have any questions throughout the process please contact Raquel Miguel at

Apply to the Master's Degree in Technology and Engineering Management's Program(obriu en una finestra nova)

Register as an applicant and complete the online application. The online application will additionally require you to submit different documents in Word (.doc, .docx, or .rtf) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. You should have these ready at the time of completing the application.

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