
Master’s degree Business Organization del centro UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS.

Programa de Master’s degree Business Organization

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Madrid


The program includes the most important areas of knowledge in Business Organization

To do research in the area of business organization and to learn practical tools to perform a better decision making at firms. The master allows the development of skills and training for the performance of research to prepare doctoral dissertations in the field of Business Organizations.

A quién va dirigido

Students that own a university degree in Spain or in an Education Institution located in the European Space of Upper Education or other places overseas that enable in the issuing country the grade to access to Master Degrees.


The main objective of the program consists of the advanced training of students in the research techniques for the Business Organization field. It will allow students to be trained in the contents that will permit them to develop academic research of excellence and prepare them to the development of a Doctoral dissertation.


  1. Strategy and Organization
  2. Corporate Economics
  3. Cooperation agreements in Research and Development
  4. Strategies for business development
  5. The impact of information technologies and systems on business results
  6. Other lines of research in business organization
  7. Final Master’s Thesis

Titulación obtenida

Máster universitario Business Organization


To access official Master's degrees, it will be necessary to be in possession of an official Spanish university degree or another issued by a higher education institution belonging to another State that is a member of the European Higher Education Area that authorizes access to higher education courses. Master.

Información Adicional

60 ECT

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