
Master of Experimental Research in Biomedicine del centro Universitat Internacional de Catalunya - UIC Barcelona

Programa de Master of Experimental Research in Biomedicine

Centro Premium

Modalidad: Presencial
Precio: 7020 €
Localización: Barcelona


It is an official master’s degree that guarantees access to doctoral studies and a scientific career.
  1. Comprehensive Training: You will be able to acquire the skills and tools necessary to develop new and better methods of diagnosis, prevention or  treatment of human pathologies. 
  2. Hands-on approach. The teaching methodology will reinforce your training and autonomy in biomedical research, through practical training with the most  innovative techniques in each subject, as well as a whole semester of external  work placements in an internationally renowned research centre. 
  3. International outlook: we promote an international outlook through  internship mobility, with international lecturers. English is also the working  language of the programme.
  4. Personalised support and follow-up: A maximum of 20 students

A quién va dirigido

Graduates in Biomedical Sciences or related degrees (Biomedicine, Human Biology, Biology, Biotechnology and Biochemistry) interested in deepening their knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for investigating the molecular and cellular bases of human pathology and developing experimental biomedical research, either to continue on to a doctorate or directly into 

private sector research.


The main objective of the Master's Degree in Experimental Biomedical Research is to provide the necessary skills to any student who has completed a degree course closely related to the experimental health sciences to carry out a doctoral thesis and to start a scientific career in the field of biomedicine.



Advanced tools for Biomedical Research

Methodologies and models 12 ECTS credits

Scientific career 4 ECTS credits


Current Research in human diseases

Current Research in human diseases 16 ECTS credits


Practicum 20 ECTS credits


Master’s Degree Final Project 8 ECTS credits

Titulación obtenida

University Master’s Degree (official)


No requirements

Información Adicional

Price: 6.720 €

Price / ECTS: 112 €

Registration rights: 480 €

TOTAL PRICE: 7.200 €

Work Placements

The University Master’s Degree in Experimental Biomedical Research includes the completion of work placements with a specific weight of 20 ECTS credits within the program. During the semester, students will undertake guaranteed work placements in a prestigious research center.

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