
Máster International Business Administration [IMBA] del centro ESIC Campus Barcelona

Programa de Máster International Business Administration [IMBA]

Modalidad: Presencial
Inicio: A partir del 01/09/2023
Duración 18 meses
Horario: Lunes a Viernes De 9'30h a 14'30h
Precio: 32800 €
Localización: Barcelona


Upon completion, participants will receive two MBA degrees from two prestigious institutions: ESIC IMBA + SISU MBA.

ESIC + SISU/FIU. This strong partnership between international institutions is a beacon for globally-focused professionals to acquire the insight, expertise, networks, and global mindset to become successful executives and managers in tomorrow’s business environment. This International MBA is for people looking for a truly international and global business career. Upon completion, participants will receive two MBA degrees from two prestigious institutions. Choose between: ESIC IMBA + SISU MBA or ESIC IMBA + FIU MBA. 

A quién va dirigido

Professionals that not only understand and master the core business concepts but also are prepared to handle complex issues both systematically and creatively in diverse and international contexts. People with criteria to take decitions framed within the ethical and human values ​​capable to operate in different sectors in a global and digital world.


The purpose of our methodology is to create a virtuous circle of action - feedback - analysis - action in the students on our course


1 Economics for Decision Making

2 Accounting for Decision Making

3 Management Information Systems

4 Organizational Behavior

5 Strategic Marketing

6 Operations Management

7 Strategic Management

8 Managing Innovation

9 Entrepreneurial Management

10 International Business Management

11 Business Ethics & CSR


1 Human Resources Management

2 Data Modelling & Decision Making

3 Corporate Finance

Titulación obtenida

Internationally Accreditted by AMBA and EPAS


Professionals with experience in the sector can access this training.

Información Adicional

Full Time - L a V 9:30 a 14:30 h


The methodology of the course is focussed on student learning through the combination of sufficient individual effort, proven ability and involvement in teamwork. Tutors, mentors and lecturers facilitate the process of understanding and applying knowledge and the transmission of skills.

Our strategy is based on the following three principles: development of critical thinking, promotion of independent learning (Student Centred Learning) and providing guidance and professional and academic support.

Sessions oriented to decision-making with the right balance of the theoretical and the practical.

Individual demand based on assessments, cases and exercises.

Defence through team-based presentation of company cases with incremental complexity.

Individual presentation of a final project-business plan

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