
Master in Supply Chain Management & Logistics - Full time del centro EAE Madrid Business School

Programa de Master in Supply Chain Management & Logistics - Full time

Centro Premium

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 12 meses
Localización: Madrid


This program will be conducted in English.

In a globalized, and increasingly competitive economy, companies require to survive in the market, to make continuous improvements in levels of efficiency, productivity, quality and flexibility, maintaining and improving the level of service to customers. One of the most critical areas in companies that can help us to achieve these goals is the Operations and, particularly, Supply Chain Management End-to-End (from suppliers to customers ). In this environment, that requires maximum cost efficiency and flexibility to unforeseen changes in demand, professional management of the supply chain becomes a vital competitive tool for companies to provide differential value to their customers, and to be profitable.

The Master in Supply Chain Management & Logistics provides an overview of the supply chain with a multidisciplinary approach, and an optimal combination of content design and planning and implementation and management.

A quién va dirigido

The program enables participants to successfully develop positions in the operations area, and provides the professional versatility needed to cope with guarantees in the areas of Purchasing, Planning, Production, Logistics and Distribution. It is a program designed to enhance your career to a maximum level of development.



Giving participants solid training in supply chain management, gaining a deep insight of the latest trends and new developments in business management.


Heading an operations or logistics department in line with the latest developments in distribution, consumer and supplier networks, as well as new methods of managing our network and channel relations.


Gaining a command of the key factors in new business models based on e-commerce and an insight into how they affect traditional systems of logistics management.


Applying the latest developments in information technology to supply chain management in order to generate greater added value.


Incentivizing the development and improvement of personal and executive skills, with the aim of enhancing the efficiency of decision-making and strengthening the capacity for problem detection, analysis and resolution.


MODULE 1 - Strategic Management of Business and Support Functions to SCM -

Strategic management of business and management marketing and sales 6 ECTS

Planning supply chain: support functions and financial management 3 ECTS

MODULE 2 - Strategies, Design and Trends in Supply Chain -

Planning supply chain per industry 3 ECTS

Simulation models for planning the supply chain 3 ECTS

Trends and benchmarking in SCM & e-commerce in the planning of the supply chain 3 ECTS

Sustainable logistics and operations management simulator 3 ECTS

MODULE 3 - Global Supply Chain Planning and Triple Axis SCM -

Overall planning of the supply chain 3 ECTS

Technology management and supply chain 3 ECTS

Basic concepts, planning and design of the supply chain 3 ECTS

Management development and human resources 3 ECTS

MODULE 4 - SCM Execution: Priority Functions Relationship with Suppliers -

Challenges in purchasing and Harvard negotiation techniques 3 ECTS

Production management 6 ECTS

MODULE 5 - Transportation -

Logistics management, warehousing, orders and CRM 3 ECTS

Transportation management, distribution and shipping 3 ECTS

MODULE 6 - Internship -

Internship 6 ECTS

MODULE 7 - Final Master Thesis -

Final Master Thesis 6 ECTS

Minor 10 ECTS


Titulación obtenida

Students who succesfully pass the course will obtain the Master in Supply Chain Management & Logistics degree from EAE Business School. In addition, students who fulfill the established academic requirements will obtain the degree from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

In order to obtain the degree from partner universities, it is necessary to fufil the requirements established by the institutions.


Adimission process

The main objective of the admissions process is to ensure candidates' suitability for the program, by looking at their professional experience and their academic CV.

Our aim is for all participants to make the most of the experience we offer through a context in which they may develop a long-term relationship with classmates, teachers and alumni.

In order to start the admissions process, the form has to be filled in so that EAE's Academic Committee can consider the application. If the decision issued by the Academic Committee for the requested program is positive, the candidate can complete their enrolment.

Información Adicional


Flexible Start Date

Nuestra metodología innovadora y flexible nos permite ofrecer a alumnos internacionales un sistema de incorporación continua de varias etapas para que puedan incorporarse a las clases presenciales posterior al comienzo oficial del programa sin problemas. Para la convocatoria de Mayo 2021 ofrecemos cuatro etapas/fechas para el on-boarding de los alumnos a las clases presenciales. Solicita información sobre tu programa de interés y uno de nuestros asesores te informará sobre las fechas de incorporación que tenemos previstas.

Career Opportunities

EAE assesses the competencies that companies value most and passes them on to the students in order to facilitate their employability. The aim is to reach the level of development demanded by the jobs market.

Professional Opportunities: 

· Director of Operations

· Director of Logistics

· Director of Distribution

· Director of Import/Export

· Purchasing Manager

· Distribution Centre Manager

· Stock Control Manager

· Supplier Negotiation Manager

· Warehouse Manager

Rankings EAE

Cuando haces una importante inversión en tus estudios, necesitas garantías. El prestigio de EAE está acreditado por algunos de los más importantes rankings nacionales e internacionales. 

EAE, 2ª escuela de negocios más prestigiosa de España según el ranking Merco 2019 ( MERCO 2019)

EAE Masters, entre los mejores de España según el ranking de los 250 Másters que realiza El Mundo 2019

EAE Business School entre las 50 mejores empresas para trabajar, según Forbes

International Rankings

EAE, entre las 20 mejores escuelas de negocio europeas BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK'S 2019-20

Máster en Dirección de Marketing en el top 50 mundial QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKING 2020

EAE Masters entre los mejores en su sector QS GLOBAL MASTERS 2020

EAE MBA, entre los 40 mejores global MBA de Europa QS GLOBAL MBA RANKINGS 2020

EAE ocupa la posición 22 de las mejores escuelas de negocios del mundo AMÉRICA ECONOMÍA 2019

11 EAE Masters entre los mejores del mundo en sus respectivas áreas EDUNIVERSAL BEST MASTERS & MBA RANKING 2019

Global Executive MBA de EAE, entre los 45 mejores del mundo CNN EXPANSIÓN 2019

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