
Master in Project Management - Full Time del centro EAE Madrid Business School

Programa de Master in Project Management - Full Time

Centro Premium

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Madrid
Abierta la convocatoria para Octubre 2021.


This program will be conducted in English.

The current market dynamism and business environment have led to companies and organizations needing to manage numerous projects simultaneously. Within this context, the figure of Project Manager takes on a key importance in organizations and companies of all sizes, as they play a critical role in terms of designing efficient business strategies that take full advantage of the available resources. Meanwhile, globalisation, the emergence of new competitors and sudden changes in business strategies mean that, as well as being equipped with an in-depth knowledge of project management, Project Managers also need to have highly developed personal skills and performance competencies.

In response to this business demand, the Master in Project Management is designed to team executives to lead, plan, organize and oversee complex global projects efficiently and effectively. Professionals equipped to lead teams based on the development of executive skills and techniques required by directors. In short, Project Directors who can align the present needs of companies in terms of project management with the current requirements stipulated in the global standard of the Project Management Institute (PMI): minimizing risks, creating new opportunities and achieving the objectives that have been set .

A quién va dirigido

The master's degree is intended for all those who wish to specialize in project management and give their CV a plus


  1. To train expert Project Managers with the capacity to reach the set targets, increase profitability and enhance the overall quality of the project.
  2. Insight into the key aspects of strategic project management and its importance within the global strategy of the organization.
  3. Strengthening decision-making in complex projects, taking into account all of the technical, financial, quality, environment and risk exposure aspects involved.
  4. Knowing, selecting and adequately using the tools required for the effective management of project budgets.
  5. Equipping participants with the executive skills required to manage a project team in order to ensure its success.
  6. Successfully passing the certification examination to become a Project Manager Professional (PMP) of the Project Management Institute (PMI).



Module 1 Strategic Management

Strategic Project Management - 3 ECTS

Framework of Reference for Project Management - 3 ECTS


Module 2 Project Financing

Project Financing - 3 ECTS

Project and Portfolio Management - 3 ECTS

Module 3 Project Planning and Control

Time and Scope Management - 3 ECTS

Cost Management - 3 ECTS

Module 4 Quality

Quality Management - 3 ECTS

Risk Management - 3 ECTS

Module 5 People Management

Human factor: Team and Project Management - 3 ECTS

Project Manager: Competences, Ethics and Social Responsibility - 3 ECTS

Module 6 Legal Aspects

Contracting and Procurement Planning - 3 ECTS

Contract and Procurement management - 3 ECTS

Module 7 Communication and Sales

Communication Management - 3 ECTS

Sales Management - 3 ECTS

Module 8 Integration

Project Integration Management - 3 ECTS

Preparation for the PMP® Certification of the PMI - 3 ECTS

Project Management Institute (PMI), Project Management Professional (PMP) are registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. 

Module 9 Minor

Minor- 10 ECTS

Module 10 Internship

Internship- 6 ECTS

Module 11 Thesis

Master´s Thesis- 6 ECTS

Titulación obtenida

Students who succesfully pass the course will obtain the Master in Project Management from EAE Business School. In addition, students who fulfill the established academic requirements will be awarded the Master in Project Management from the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya.

In order to obtain the degree from partner universities, it is necessary to fufil the requirements established by the institutions.


The main objective of the admissions process is to ensure the suitability of the candidates for the program by looking at their professional experience and their academic CV.

Our aim is for all participants to make the most of the experience we offer through a context in which they may develop a long-term relationship with classmates, teachers and alumni.

In order to start the admissions process, the form has to be filled in so that the EAE Academic Committee can consider the application. If the decision issued by the Academic Committee for the requested program is positive, the candidate can complete his or her enrolment.

Información Adicional


Flexible Start Date

Nuestra metodología innovadora y flexible nos permite ofrecer a alumnos internacionales un sistema de incorporación continua de varias etapas para que puedan incorporarse a las clases presenciales posterior al comienzo oficial del programa sin problemas. Para la convocatoria de Mayo 2021 ofrecemos cuatro etapas/fechas para el on-boarding de los alumnos a las clases presenciales. Solicita información sobre tu programa de interés y uno de nuestros asesores te informará sobre las fechas de incorporación que tenemos previstas.

Career Opportunities

EAE assesses the competencies that companies value most and passes them on to the students in order to facilitate their entry in the workplace. The aim is to reach the level of development demanded by the jobs market.

Professional Opportunities: 

· Director of Projects

· Director of Risk and Project and Business Continuity

· Director of Quality

· Project-applied R&D Manager

· Process, Product and Service Innovation Manager

· Project Management Consultancy

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