
Master in Management del centro EAE Business School Barcelona

Programa de Master in Management

Centro Premium

Modalidad: Semi-presencial
Localización: Madrid


Business Management & STEM: the perfect combination. The MIM prepares the leaders of a sustainable business future.

The need for training is a constant when the world we live in is uncertain. In response to this new reality, we have developed protocols and methodologies that enable our students to continue getting a quality education and developing professionally at our Madrid/Barcelona campuses, in a virtual in-person or Hybrid format, or from anywhere in the world. Our community is committed to ensuring the education, wellbeing and safety of all our members.

A quién va dirigido

Business Management & STEM: the perfect combination. The MIM prepares the leaders of a sustainable business future.


The program covers a global overview of the company and how the organization operates from a strategic perspective with the objective of developing critical thinking. Moreover, the MIM equips professionals to oversee the integration of all the areas of business activity with the aim of implementing the most suitable policies and strategies to achieve the company’s goals successfully.

This official program gives you a unique learning experience, enabling you to combine management training with a technological specialization, incorporating the latest Data Science and Big Data trends being implemented by leading companies.


The Master in STEM Management is the exclusive program that prepares a new generation of managers, combining the core of an MBA with a module on Business Analytics & Big Data. Designed for recent graduates or young professionals with less than 3 years’ experience, the program equips participants with knowledge and tools right from the start of their professional career, enabling them to become the leaders required in a constantly changing world dominated by technology.

Our Master in Management equips you with the tools, confidence and overall vision required to progress and become a true global leader who drives sustainable development.

Titulación obtenida

Master in Management.


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