
Master in Finance - Full Time del centro EAE Madrid Business School

Programa de Master in Finance - Full Time

Centro Premium

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Madrid


This program will be conducted in English.

In recent years we have had to deal with in a business crisis, as a result of the global financial and economic situation. These circumstances have radically transformed the role of Finance Management in companies. From a role focused on supervising, implementing and controlling funds relatively initially easy to obtain, the Finance Manager has felt the need to take part in the firms strategic management, providing value to tackle the scarcity of resources as well as providing planning, negotiating and risk analysis expertise.

There has been a transition from management to adding value in a situation where economy and financial markets are liberalized, where they are concentrated, and where they offer a wide range of new and innovative products. The role of the Finance Manager is, and will continue to be, critical in the management team of the company, even if the economic cycle changes, or in those economies or sectors that are not in recession. Accordingly, academic training in this area will enable anyone who possesses it to enjoy the benefits of a greater employability in his or her professional career, in addition to better opportunities of professional promotion. This is why our program has been designed to train professionals to acquire technical knowledge of the finance sector, in addition to developing managerial skills in the area of decision-making that will be demanded in the labour market.

EAE's Executive MBA offers participants the chance to do a Residential Program at University of Quebec (Canada).

A quién va dirigido

The program has been developed for those who wish to specialize in financial management and increase their employability possibilities.


Acquiring a strategic vision of finance and its position within the overall strategy of the company.

Equipping participants to make financial decisions in line with the company’s strategic objectives.

Gaining a command of the various techniques, instruments and tools used in the financial management of companies.

Developing the crucial competences and skills to be able to lead a modern company successfully from a financial perspective.


MODULE 1 - Financial markets and instruments -

Ethical and Financial Fundamentals 6 ECTS

Global Macroeconomic analysis and financial markets 6 ECTS

Fixed income markets 6 ECTS

Stock markets 6 ECTS

Derivative instruments 6 ECTS

MODULE 2 - Financial advice and planning -

Financial products 6 ECTS

Asset management 6 ECTS

Financial advice and planning 6 ECTS

MODULE 4 - External practices - Internship 6 ECTS

MODULE 5 - Minor 10 ECTS

MODULE 6 - Final Master Thesis 6 ECTS


Titulación obtenida

Master in Financial Management - Full Time


The main objective of the admissions process is to ensure the candidates' suitability for the program by looking at their professional experience and their academic background.

Our aim is for all participants to make the most of the experience we offer through a context in which they may develop a long-term relationship with classmates, lecturers and alumni.

In starting the admissions process, the form has to be filled in so that EAE’s Academic Committee can consider the application. If the decision issued by the Academic Committee for the requested program is positive, the candidate can complete their enrolment.

Información Adicional

Career Opportunities

EAE’s academic faculty is made up of an excellent team of professors, university lecturers and highly respected professionals in this field.

The academic faculty members boast a wealth of business experience, working as consultants, senior executives and advisors in both private companies and public institutions.

Thanks to this well-balanced foundation of first-hand experience, participants on the Master in Financial Management acquire real knowledge that is constantly updated, underpinned by a solid academic base.

The most common professional exits are the following:

Director of Administration and Finance

Chief Financial Officer

Head of Treasury

Head of administration


Incorporamos una nueva metodología Flexible Start Date:

Nuestra metodología innovadora y flexible nos permite ofrecer a alumnos internacionales un sistema de incorporación continua de varias etapas para que puedan incorporarse a las clases presenciales posterior al comienzo oficial del programa sin problemas. Para la convocatoria de Mayo 2021 ofrecemos cuatro etapas/fechas para el on-boarding de los alumnos a las clases presenciales. Solicita información sobre tu programa de interés y uno de nuestros asesores te informará sobre las fechas de incorporación que tenemos previstas.

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