
Máster in Digital Marketing & E-Commerce - Full Time del centro EAE Madrid Business School

Programa de Máster in Digital Marketing & E-Commerce - Full Time

Centro Premium

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 10 meses
Localización: Madrid


This program equips you to be a professional leader with a sound knowledge of the digital marketing ecosystem, with the capacity to implement the most effective commercial and customer relations strategies to cater for the needs of the market.

The Master in Digital Marketing & E-commerce at EAE Business School Madrid provides professionals in the area of marketing, sales or operations with the necessary knowledge and skills to integrate new channels, media and languages into the commercial and customer relationship strategy Whether it is a traditional business looking to develop and support a more efficient marketing channel in lead generation and customer management, or a business conceived exclusively for the sale of products and services online.

This master's degree specializes in training in direction and management of marketing and commerce in digital environments, offering the opportunity to comprehensively address all the strategic and operational aspects necessary to design and manage plans in these environments.

The focus of the program is highly practical and clearly oriented towards the professional field.

Why choose the Master in Digital Marketing & E-commerce at EAE Madrid?

Digital Tools: You will gain specialized knowledge on CRM, Inbound Marketing, Social Media Ad Campaigns, Email Sending, E-Commerce Creation, App Development, Affiliate Marketing, Influencer Collaboration, and Programmatic Advertising.

Certifications: The master will prepare you specifically to obtain the Google Ads and Google Analytics certifications (issued by Google).

New trends: You will study content related to models based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Machine Learning), Metaverses, immersive technologies (VR virtual reality, AR augmented reality, MR mixed reality), collaborative economies, marketing automation, Blockchain, and more.

Renowned partners: EAE Business School Madrid is an educational institution associated with the main marketing entities in Spain, such as the Spanish Marketing Association (AME) and the Spanish Association of Digital Economy (ADIGITAL)

A quién va dirigido

The digital ecosystem is a fantastic hotbed of new ways of doing business. Companies have to prepare to embrace this new way of dealing with their customers. Therefore, the employment market demands a new profile of marketing professional with the ability to spot an opportunity to develop new strategies in a digital setting.



Training professionals specializing in the design of communication strategies, commercialization, attracting customers and generating loyalty in online environments.


Gaining a command of the influence of mobility on the user’s or consumer’s behaviour.


Understanding the key factors involved in digital planning, as well as the company’s success and adaptation strategies in the new ecosystem.


Gaining an in-depth insight into the specific tools for measuring and optimizing results in an Electronic Commerce business.


Developing the skills required to effectively oversee planning, design, implementation and management strategies and techniques for the main Electronic Commerce platforms.


Laying the foundations for creating effective strategies and systems for the management of integrated logistics and customer services in B2C and B2B Electronic Commerce settings.


MODULE 1: Fundamentals of Marketing and Digital Communication

Introduction to the digital environment and axes of online marketing and communication – 6 ECTS

MODULE 2: Digital marketing planning

Search engine marketing and advertising – 6 ECTS

Performance Marketing – 6 ECTS

Social Media Marketing – 6 ECTS

MODULE 3: Web design and virtual store

Web design, usability and virtual store – 6 ECTS

Customer management, logistics and regulations – 6 ECTS

MODULE 4: Online Business Project and Indicators

Analysis of results – 6 ECTS

Online business plan – 6 ECTS

Final Master's Project – 12 ECTS

Titulación obtenida

Master in Digital Marketing


To be able to enter this program, it is recommended to have a higher degree, preferably in the areas of Marketing, Advertising or Communication, although it is not limited to any particular area of knowledge. In addition, having more than two years of professional experience is positively valued in the business field.

Información Adicional


Flexible Start Date

Nuestra metodología innovadora y flexible nos permite ofrecer a alumnos internacionales un sistema de incorporación continua de varias etapas para que puedan incorporarse a las clases presenciales posterior al comienzo oficial del programa sin problemas. Para la convocatoria de Mayo 2021 ofrecemos cuatro etapas/fechas para el on-boarding de los alumnos a las clases presenciales. Solicita información sobre tu programa de interés y uno de nuestros asesores te informará sobre las fechas de incorporación que tenemos previstas.

Career Opportunities

  • Digital Project Manager
  • Director of Projects
  • Director of Digital Marketing
  • Director of e-Commerce
  • Director of SEO
  • Director of SEM
  • Social Media Manager

Rankings EAE

Cuando haces una importante inversión en tus estudios, necesitas garantías. El prestigio de EAE está acreditado por algunos de los más importantes rankings nacionales e internacionales. 

EAE, 2ª escuela de negocios más prestigiosa de España según el ranking Merco 2019 ( MERCO 2019)

EAE Masters, entre los mejores de España según el ranking de los 250 Másters que realiza El Mundo 2019

EAE Business School entre las 50 mejores empresas para trabajar, según Forbes

International Rankings

EAE, entre las 20 mejores escuelas de negocio europeas BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK'S 2019-20

Máster en Dirección de Marketing en el top 50 mundial QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKING 2020

EAE Masters entre los mejores en su sector QS GLOBAL MASTERS 2020

EAE MBA, entre los 40 mejores global MBA de Europa QS GLOBAL MBA RANKINGS 2020

EAE ocupa la posición 22 de las mejores escuelas de negocios del mundo AMÉRICA ECONOMÍA 2019

11 EAE Masters entre los mejores del mundo en sus respectivas áreas EDUNIVERSAL BEST MASTERS & MBA RANKING 2019

Global Executive MBA de EAE, entre los 45 mejores del mundo CNN EXPANSIÓN 2019

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