
Máster Global MBA [GMBA] del centro ESIC Campus Barcelona

Programa de Máster Global MBA [GMBA]

Modalidad: Presencial
Inicio: A partir del 01/10/2022
Duración 20 meses
Horario: Lunes a Viernes De 9'30h a 14'30h
Precio: 32400 €
Localización: Barcelona


A truly international training provided by leading Business Schools in Europe, Asia, and America.

ESIC Business & Marketing School (ESIC), in collaboration with Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), and Florida International University Chapman School of Business (FIU), has designed a training experience for globally-focused professionals intended to provide a deep exposure to varied business practices, regulatory and cultural issues, and entrepreneurial environments. Over a full-time immersion of 18 months participants live, work, learn, and operate in the three continents that represent more than 80% of the world’s economy. A truly international training provided by leading Business Schools in Europe, Asia, and America. Upon completion, participants receive three separate degrees ESIC IMBA + SISU MBA + FIU MIB.

A quién va dirigido

Average age of pupils: 28

Years of average student experience: 5 years


  • 3 continents
  • 3 business environments
  • 3 degrees
  • Cross cultural experience
  • Entrepreneurial environments
  • Internationally Accreditted by AMBA and EPAS


Core Modules

Management value generation

Economics for walking the world

Economic models and economic systems

Understanding markets and consumers

Defining and developing unique different business models

Growth and value generation beyond home

The marketing function

Information and analysis for decision making

Big data and analytics management

Stakeholders value & finance mesure (triple bottom line)

Founding & investments

Data modelling

Management in the XXI century

Digital marketing methods

Digital marketing strategies and operations

Selling models: omnichannel

Artificial intelligence

Neuroscience applied to business

New trends in consumption

Innovating in a disruptive environment


People and processes

Managing market oriented & responsible organization

Trends in work models

Delivering value on/off line

Enhance diverse talents and human capital

Private equity

Transversal Sessions

Skills and self development

Empowering creative thinking

Team building

Developing yourself

Responsible leadership and art of decision making

Critical thinking, problem solving and indep learning

Chinese language

Ethics and values

Global corporate citizienship

Becaming global ethical manager

World Market Workshops and specific seminars



Subjects Shangai


Enhancing Diverse Talents and human capital

Data modelling & Decision Making

Funding & investments

Subjects Miami

Global Megatrends, geopolitics and political economy

Global Management skills

Fundamentals of International Business

Global Strategy and Business Models

Global start-up

Master’s Project in International Business

Master’s Seminar in International Business


Titulación obtenida

Internationally Accreditted by AMBA and EPAS.


Average age of pupils: 28

Years of average student experience: 5 years

Información Adicional

Full Time - L a V 9:30 a 14:30 h

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