
Máster en European Master of Science in Nematology del centro Universidad de Jaen - Master

Programa de Máster en European Master of Science in Nematology

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Jaén


The objective of the EUMAINE is to give participants a thorough basis, practical skills and updated knowledge in all aspects of plant- and insect-parasitic nematodes, as well as free-living aquatic and soil nematodes and to ensure that the student becomes familiar with current theoretical and applied aspects of scientific research through direct contact with renowned nematologists and nematological institutes from different countries. It fulfils the international needs for training highly qualified nematologists with a multidisciplinary knowledge in the diverse fields of Nematology.

Perfiles de ingreso y requisitos de admisión

Admission requirements:

- EUMAINE is open to top–level students with a University Bachelor degree (requiring a minimum of 3 years study) in Agricultural sciences, Biology, Bioscience engineering or Environmental sciences.
Applicants with another degree but with experience or knowledge in one of these fields may be admitted to the course at the discretion of the EUMAINE Education Board on the basis of academic transcripts, CV and motivation.

- Proficiency in English is required.

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