
Master en ECONOMÍA Y FINANZAS del centro Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo (UIMP) - Master

Programa de Master en ECONOMÍA Y FINANZAS

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Cantabria




Cuarta edición.
Organizado en colaboración con la Fundación CEMFI
Madrid, Academic year 2009-2010

Application deadline and tuition fees
Maximum class size: 30
Deadlines for applications: Early February 2010 (first round) and early April 2010 (second round).
Master program tuition fee: 3,600 euros per academic year.
PhD program tuition fee: 1,740 euros per academic year.
CEMFI may grant Master students exemptions of the tuition fees and/or scholarships for living expenses. They are granted according to academic merit. PhD students are normally fully funded, by an internal or an external scholarship, so that they can devote themselves to research full time.


Admission to the Master?s program requires an undergraduate university degree, with a special preference for degrees in Economics, Business Administration, Engineering, Mathematics, or Physics. Applicants should either have finished or be about to finish their undergraduate degrees. A good knowledge of English is required, since the Master is taught in English.
The admissions committee will take into account the following information:
Undergraduate grades, especially in subjects that are close to the contents of the Master.
Letters of reference written by professors who have followed closely the applicant's studies.
The scores of the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test.
The score of the Test of English as a Foreing Language (TOEFL), for applicants whose native language is not English.
The statement of purpose and any other additional information supplied by the candidate.
Applications arriving by early February 2009 will be considered for a first round of admission decisions. Later on, a subset of preselected candidates within short-haul travel distance will be asked to take an admission test and have a personal interview in Madrid. A second round of decisions will be made in early May 2009.
Admission to the PhD in Economics usually takes place through our Master in Economics and Finance. Second-year Master students interested in the PhD can apply from 1 February of each academic year. We start making admission offers from this date until the end of the academic year. Students with a grade point average of around 80 out of 100 in the Master will be automatically admitted, but this is a sufficient, not a necessary condition for admission. Satisfactory progress in the Master thesis will be an additional consideration in all other situations.


Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP) and Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI) have reached an affiliation agreement by which CEMFI offers a Graduate Proogram leading to the official degrees of Master in Economics an Finance and PhD and PhD in Economics.
The Master in Economics and Finance is a two-year full-time program. It also serves as the first two years of the PhD in Economics. The Master combines a rigorous training in advanced techniques of economic analysis with a special attention to applied and policy issues. The PhD in Economics usually lasts for three years after finishing the Master program.

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