
Máster en E-tourist & revenue management English del centro INSA Business, Marketing Communication School

Programa de Máster en E-tourist & revenue management English

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 5100
Localización: Barcelona


The evaluation system is based on campus attendance and the elaboration of the final project.

Tourism is one of the current drivers of the world economy and one of the main generators of employment. For this reason, it is vitally important to maintain a high level of quality in the tourism sector, with the support of qualified people contributing to maintaining and improving levels of competitiveness of this sector.

The Master&rsquo,s in E-tourist & Revenue Management provides knowledge in digital tools and social networks that enable open a wide range of marketing activities and sales. Also specialized training that optimizes resources and revenues in a highly competitive industry.

A quién va dirigido

  1. Graduates in Tourism.
  2. Professionals in need of upgrading and wishing to expand their business horizons.
  3. Companies seeking staff expertise.
  4. Graduates in Vocational Intermediate or Higher Grade in the areas of Tourism, Food, Travel Agencies and Hospitality Management seeking practical preparation to enter the workforce.


  1. Provides knowledge in digital tools and social networks
  2. Establish relationship marketing, direct and customer loyalty in digital environments
  3. Knowledge of the theories and methods of &ldquo,Revenue Management&rdquo,.
  4. Educate and train professionals to generate impact on revenue growth in hotels and restaurants.




  • Reinventing Traditional Tourism Marketing
  • Positioning and Digital Brands
  • Digital capture and segmentation strategies
  • The importance of planning communication: Net Strategy
  • The Digital Web
  • Digital Tools and Social Networks
  • Relationship Marketing, Direct and Customer Loyalty in digital environments
  • Web Analytics : Measurement and Quantification in E-Tourism


  • Policies and Objectives &rdquo, Revenue Management&rdquo,
  • Establishing the basis for a program of &rdquo, Revenue Management&rdquo,
  • Space Management
  • Optimal Rate Policies and Calculations
  • Rate Control, Availability and &ldquo,overbooking &rdquo,
  • The Management Group
  • Technology Topics
  • Time Management
  • Analysis and implementation
  • Final project

Titulación obtenida

Once you succeed the evaluation tests and you have the minimum campus attendance required, you will recieve a Master certificate in eTourism and Revenue Management, validated by INSA Business, Marketing & Communication School.


  • Graduates in Tourism.
  • Professionals in need of upgrading and wishing to expand their business horizons.
  • Companies seeking staff expertise.
  • Graduates in Vocational Intermediate or Higher Grade in the areas of Tourism, Food, Travel Agencies and Hospitality Management seeking practical preparation to enter the workforce.

Información Adicional

Professional opportunities:

  • Income Management
  • Hotel Director
  • Catering or Restaurant Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Food & Beverage Manager
  • E-commerce expert

Horario: Viernes de 18h a 21h y Sábados cada 15 dias de 9h a 14h

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