
Máster en digital marketing [MDM] - 100% English del centro ESIC Campus Barcelona

Programa de Máster en digital marketing [MDM] - 100% English

Modalidad: Presencial
Inicio: A partir del 01/09/2022
Duración 12 meses
Horario: Lunes a jueves De 19'00 a 22'00
Precio: 22338 €
Localización: Barcelona


The MDM was launched over six years ago; it was one of Europe is first graduate programs in digital marketing; during these years graduates have become leaders delivering value in different companies in Spain and abroad.

The Master in Digital Marketing is an innovative, academically sound, practice-driven, and digital marketing-focused program, reflecting the current challenges of the marketplace. 

In this context, the program has embedded in its curriculum a clear international approach enriched with the latest trends and developments in digital marketing; two pillars that represent the foundations for tomorrow is marketing leaders. 

A quién va dirigido

For alle, der er interesseret in digital  digital marketing.


The main objective of the MDM is to help and support students transition into strategic management, in particular, the area of digital marketing. By completing the MDM, participants will gain the key skills and knowledge to evaluate, manage, and implement digital marketing strategies while strengthening their ability to face and solve complex challenges in an increasingly globalized/digitalized marketing environment. 


The structure of the degree program has been designed to engage participants in a cumulative process of developing skills and knowledge through a sequence of complementary stages. The degree program is divided into six main modules; the MDM concludes with a final project. These six modules are devised for participants to develop basic knowledge, critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, and general intellectual skills and attributes necessary for that knowledge and understanding; they also cover a range of practical, professional, and transferable skills.

The MDM includes the hours for intra & entrepreneurship workshops and also for world market workshops. The curriculum fulfills EQUAL's Guidelines on contact hours, credits, content, and especially on integration and personal competencies. The structure of the curriculum can be seen in this link.

Module 1:

Digital Marketing Strategy in a Digitalized World (+)

Module 2:

Web & Mobile Marketing Across Environments: SEO & ASO (+)

Module 3:

SEM & Lead Generation Media (+)

Module 4:

Global and Local Social Media (+)

Module 5:

Media Planning & Creativity (+)

Module 6:

eCommerce (+)

Titulación obtenida

Máster en digital marketing [MDM] - 100% English


For alle, der er interesseret in digital  digital marketing.

Información Adicional

Part Time - L a J 19 a 22h

Personal development of students 

The program includes modules that are specially designed to enhance participants’ professional and personal development. The “Developing Effective Managers” and the “Cross-Cultural Awareness” units have been developed with the goal of strengthening and empowering relevant skills valuable for the students’ international career development. 

International learning experience 

Taught completely in English. International mix of students. Opportunities to study/work abroad. The majority of core and adjunct faculty members teaching in the MDM have international experience. Content with an international focus. 

Corporate learning experience

The MDM includes Intra & Entrepreneurship and World Market Workshops, which are a series of talks on Emerging Themes, Agile Methodologies, Growth Hacking, Current Economic Situation, New Trends in Consumption, etc., offered by guest speakers who share their experiences in these areas. These events include guest speakers, from renowned national and international companies, entrepreneurs, government officials, practitioner-oriented conferences, and national events. 

Guaranteed networking 

For 20 years, the Institute has established a wide ICEMD Community with over 20,000 professionals, including alumni, current students, professors, and professionals in the digital economy field. Moreover, the Institute is in contact with leading organizations and companies in order to offer added value and foster networking among all participants. 

Virtual Clasroom

CLASSROOM. References from the course’s students, advisors, and professors, including their professional profiles and network.

DOCUMENTATION. The program for the entire course, week by week, as well as supporting material and interesting content shared by professors and students, such as videos, e-books, references, relevant links, webinars, and marketing blogs maintained by the course’s students.

CALENDAR. Will all the course’s key dates to help you organize your study schedule.

ASSIGNMENTS. All the course’s activities: projects, tests, practical exercises, and course evaluation. 

PERSONAL SPACE. Your profile, course e-mail, class notes, and assessments. Access to topic forums with in-depth material for each module, student forums, and an advanced web conference tool to hold virtual meetings with fellow classmates. 

SOCIAL SPACE. A place where all the activity at ICEMD can be gathered and where students and social members can meet, share, and continue to learn.

Real projects based on real companies 

Each module includes, as part of the assessment, doing a group project for a real company. Each group's proposal will be presented to the company's representatives during the last days of the module. There are 6 projects throughout the program. 

Final project 

The final project consists of a 16,000-word individual project (digital business plan in a digitalized world) due the last week of September. The purpose of this project is to take students to the next level of professional development while helping them to grow from a behavioral perspective. The participants can choose from the following options to complete the program: 

Digital Business Plan (16,000 words)Digital Marketing Plan (8,000 words) + semester abroad (120 hours at Master's level), or (around 100 possible destinations with ESIC's partners like Bangalore, Chennai, Beijing, Shanghai, Munich, Milan, Miami, Buenos Aires, etc.)Digital Marketing Plan (8,000 words) + 6-month internship/project in a company (subject to availability for non-Spanish speakers)

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