
Máster en Cross cultural management. 1.ª edición. del centro Universitat de València

Programa de Máster en Cross cultural management. 1.ª edición.

Modalidad: Presencial
Inicio: A partir del 20/12/2015
Precio: 6800 €
Localización: Valencia



- Know the theoretical foundations that explain the different cultural perceptions of the world, the relationships between people, time and the environment.

- Understand how these different perceptions affect the field of "International Business", "international relations", etc. and seriously affect business results.

- acquire the necessary intercultural competencies to interact in a multinational environment successfully.

- Learn to convey those skills through different training strategies and techniques.

- Learn to correctly interpret the signals and how to interact with people and groups from different cultural contexts.

- Know the current situation of the cross-cultural management and communication" industry.

- Know how intercultural communication consultants interact with various "stakeholders" (corporations, institutions, "partners", etc.)

- Examine the latest training techniques and cross-cultural learning resources available.

- Learn to design a "cross-cultural training Programme".

- Have confidence and competence to develop a "cross-cultural training" to senior executives.

- Be able to successfully lead international projects with multicultural work groups.

- Discover how cultural factors affect the resorts of motivation from people and thus be able to draw maximum performance of multicultural teams.

- Understand how different cultural perceptions affect the design of international marketing campaigns.

- Learn to promote, evaluate and identify the ROI from "cross-cultural training."

- Explore the importance of intercultural communication in the world of "coaching."

- Acquire intercultural leadership skills.

- Know the peculiarities affecting the work of virtual teams and how to get the best possible performance.

- Be able to solve the difficulties experienced by expatriates for its cultural adaptation and know the details of the relocation of the world executives of large corporations.

- Apply intercultural competence as a critical success factor for international negotiations.

- Know the conflicts that can arise from the interaction of different cultures and learn the most modern techniques of mediation and conflict resolution.

- Learn first hand the cultural peculiarities of countries like China, India, Brazil, Russia, USA which affect the way business is done with people / companies from these countries.

Requisitos de acceso

Proficiency in English / Bachelor',s degree



- A history of the field of Intercultural Communication.

- Foundations of Intercultural Communication: Three paradigms.

- Introduction to Intercultural Communication and Management.

- Organizational designs across cultures through the lens of the three paradigms.

- Overview of the cross-cultural field international network, relevant organizations and institutions.

- Cross-cultural consulting companies. Structure and operating system.

- The trainer figure from the inside out.

- Cross-cultural Training. Different types, structure and elements.


- What is Culture? Overview about theoretical approaches

- Introduction to different culture models and concepts

- Conceptualizing Intercultural Competence: Definitions, models and the question of measurement

- Hall: Holistic model

- Hofstede: Cultural Dimensions

- Trompenaars: Dilemma

- Alexander Thomas: Kulturstandards

- Cross Cultural Communication: models and approaches

- Cross Cultural Management

- Diversity Management

- Online ressources and tools

- Politeness and Face concepts

- Culture shock and Re-entry shock: theories and models

- Stereotypes and prejudices: Theories and approaches

- Experimental Workshop on: "Translating" theory into praxis


- Global environment of business.

- Growth strategies: why companies do business across nations.

- Foreign market selection.

- Foreign operation methods.

- Designing international structures.

- Polycentric, ethnocentric and geocentric strategic approaches.

- Foreign subsidiary strategy: local managers versus expatriates

- Managing knowledge in multinational companies


- International Projects analysis and definition

- Project Planning: Timing and Costs in a global context

- Developing a Project Plan and scheduling Resources

- Risk Management in international settings

- Project Execution, monitoring and closure

- The sociocultural side of international projects

- Being an effective Project Manager across cultures


- the cultural variables in international marketing

- the integration of local consumption in a global marketing environment

- marketing decisions for the intercultural environment

- intercultural marketing communications


- The role of a trainer and a co-trainer. Observe and adapt to the group needs

- The importance of debriefing and the meta level

- The right use of the appropriate materials

- How, when and with whom do we use our tools?

- Role plays

- Critical incidents

- Videos

- Simulations

- Self-reflective activities

- Perception and slef-awareness

- Active listening

- On-line Tools

- Profiles and assessments

- Feed-back and evaluation techniques for different cultures


- Design accurate needs assessment and program evaluations, effective programs and engaging methods

- Designing excellent proposals. Structure and content

- Training logistics

- General structure of a training program. Phases, elements, co-training

- Meeting the participants requirements


- What is Coaching. Historical evolution and current perspectives.

- Global leadership development and professional coaching.

- The Coaching process. Tools and approaches.

- Assessments and goal-setting. How to discern accurately the client',s real strengths, needs, and potential.

- Measures of progress. Ongoing feedback.

- Self-awareness and how it impacts our coaching practice.

- Most valuable methodology and techniques for cross-cultural management.

- The finest contributions and biggest mistakes of the cross-cultural coach.

- Coaching international managers. Expectations and challenges.

- Coaching international teams. Matrixes and other organizational structures.

- In-class practice based on real-life coaching situations in international companies.

- Typical coaching topics: decision making, relationship building, hierarchy and time management across borders.

- The future of Cultural Coaching.


- Effectively launch, implement, and maintain successful virtual teams

- The basic high performing virtual team principles

- Identify the area of opportunity for improving cooperation and communication in a global team

- Solutions to all key challenges that international virtual teams, groups, and networks face

- Trust building at a distance in a global team

- Managing and leading virtual teams

- Key factors for effective cross-cultural meetings

- The skills, tools and technologies necessary for creating a successful virtual team


- What is an international assignment? The expat figure.

- Rewards and challenges of international assignees, both professionally and personally

- Right expectations and actively building the required knowledge, skills, and mindset to be effective in your new environment

- Different types of trainings for different assignments-temporary, long-term, expatriation, repatriation, transpatriation

- International Assignment Training Design.

- The role of the trainer in the assignment process

- Explore the preferred ways of interacting, living, and working in the destination culture

- Plan to effectively manage the changes. Tools, techniques and resources.


- Understand the impact cultural dimensions have at the negotiations table

- Apply the appropriate etiquette and protocols of a nation or culture so as to create trust and rapport

- Use appropriate cultural techniques for resolving possible conflict during a negotiation session

- Learn how to decode our cultural programming and understand how this could affect the negotiation

- Improve our cross-cultural skills to move the negotiations to closure

- Understand the differences in the dynamics, development and stages of the cross-cultural negotiation

- To enhance our knowledge about new business opportunities and challenges related to the similarities and differences that exist among different national cultures


- Act as a mediator in an effort to resolve cross-cultural conflicts within an organization

- Provide individuals with cultural competences and skills to foster collaboration in international teams

- Experience the challenge of working in a multi-cultural team environment

- Identify cross-cultural misunderstandings and conflicts

- Work on communication, issues, and relationships among team members to produce a harmonious, cooperative and productive working environment, with real life examples

- Develop different solutions for different culturally influenced mindsets

- Understand different ways of conveying and interpreting messages. Better communication helps solve conflicts.



United States





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60,00 Créditos ECTS
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