
Marketing (Bachelor Honours) del centro Royal Universities

Programa de Marketing (Bachelor Honours)

Modalidad: Presencial



GESTIONAMOS TU INGRESO en una universidad británica. Elije entre alguna s de las mejores universidades y estudia este grado con una financiación del 100% del gobierno británico en condiciones muy especiales. ¡,Garantizamos tu plaza!

This degree is divided into Stages. Each Stage lasts for an academic year and you need to complete modules totalling 120 credits by the end of each Stage.

Please be aware that programme modules do change and therefore may differ for your year of entry.

Stage 1

Compulsory modules

BUS1001 Introduction to Management and Organisation

BUS1004 Critical Perspectives on Business Growth

MAS1403 Quantitative Methods for Business Management

MKT1002 Introduction to Marketing

MKT1004 Academic and Professional Skills

MKT1007 Consumer Behaviour

Stage 2

Compulsory modules

MKT2004 Research Methods for Business and Marketing

MKT2008 Services Marketing

MKT2009 Strategic Marketing

MKT2010 Marketing Communications

Optional modules

You take at least one of the following optional modules:

MKT2001 Global Marketing

MKT2011 Sales Management and Marketing Channels

You can select one of the following optional modules if you need to do so to study 120 credits:

ACC1003 Introduction to Accounting and Finance

ACE2013 Statistics for Marketing and Management

BUS2017 Introduction to Innovation and Technology Management

NCL2007 Career Development for Second Year Students

NCL2100 Developing Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Employability

SPA1001 Business Spanish

Other optional modules may also be available.

Work placement/study abroad (optional)

Between Stages 2 and 3 you may choose to undertake a paid work placement in a UK or European business. Alternatively you may spend the year studying at a partner university in Europe.

The Business School has a dedicated Placement Officer who can help you find a suitable work placement.

Companies that have previously hosted our students are wide-ranging and include: Heinz, Panasonic, IBM, Fujitsu, Danone, 3M, Nestlé, Hewlett-Packard, Reuters, Xerox, PwC (Kuala Lumpur), Adidas (Germany) and &lsquo,Hola {Hello}&rsquo, (Madrid).

Compulsory modules

MKT3015 Intercalating Year Personal Learning Record

MKT3016 Intercalating Year Reflective Learning Account

Stage 3

Optional modules

You choose one of the following modules:

MKT3096 Contemporary Marketing Dissertation

MKT3097 Marketing Consultancy Project

You choose four modules from the following list:

MKT3004 Analytical Techniques for Marketing

MKT3006 Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion

MKT3012 Direct and Digital Marketing

MKT3014 New Product and Service Development

MKT3095 Cultural and Heritage Marketing

NCL3007 Career Development for Final Year Students OR

NCL3008 Advanced Career Development

SPA2001 Business Spanish 2

Other optional modules may also be available.

Students who have been unable to take the following options in Stage 2 may choose one of the following modules, timetable permitting:

MKT2009 Strategic Marketing

MKT2011 Sales Management and Marketing Channels
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