
Human resource management MA en la universidad de Inglaterra que tú elijas y financiado al 100% por el gobierno británico del centro Royal Universities

Programa de Human resource management MA en la universidad de Inglaterra que tú elijas y financiado al 100% por el gobierno británico

Modalidad: Presencial



Si deseas estudiar este MASTER, háznoslo saber. A través de Royal Universities y de nuestras universidades asociadas, podrás estudiar en alguna de las más de 100 universidades inglesas de más prestigio y obtener una titulación que te garantiza tu acceso al mercado laboral inglés o global en menos de 6 meses. Nosotros nos ocuparemos de conseguirte tu plaza, la financiación del gobierno británico y eventualmente, de conseguirte becas para que puedas tener una experiencia que, seguramente, cambiará tu vida.


The effective management and development of human resources is a challenging task in any work organisation. As the pace of technological change increases and organisations develop a greater international focus, the management and development of people in order to adapt to these changing conditions becomes ever more important.

The Human Resource Management MA course aims to enable students to progress in any career linked with the management and development of people.


This course has been developed with your future career as its focus, by choosing to study at Coventry you will benefit from:

CIPD Advanced Level Professional Qualification upon successful completion of the MA HRM,

a course that is designed to meet and reflect the CIPD&rsquo,s professional standards and expectations,

provision of the essential requirements needed to work within the broad context of people management and development,

offers an integral six-week work placement within an organisation&rsquo,s HRM department,

the fact that your studies will include the analysis of models, theoretical frameworks, past and current HRM practices and skills workshops,

the chance to develop sound skills and strategies with which to support organisations to achieve their objectives and add value.


Human Resource Management MA has been accredited by the most recognised professional HRM organisation in the world, namely the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Upon successful completion of the MA HRM students will also be awarded the CIPD Advanced Level Professional Qualification. All HRM MA students will be required to become student members of CIPD at the start of the programme. The programme has been designed to meet and reflect the CIPD&rsquo,s professional standards and expectations. It is aimed at individuals wishing to pursue or develop their professional careers within an HRM context. The course will provide students with the essential requirements needed to work within the broad context of people management and development.

Designed to offer a wide exposure to a range of organisations, the programme also includes a minimum of a six weeks work placement within the HRM department of an organisation in the UK. The work placement provides students with the unique opportunity to assess the theories introduced within the classroom, in the context of a specific work organisational environment.

Mandatory Modules

HRM in context,

leading, managing and developing people,

developing skills for business leadership,

organisational design and organisational development,

preparing for work in people management,

research methods,


Optional Modules (students must choose three from the following four modules)

reward management,

employee engagement,

international human resource management,

employment law.

As part of this course you will study Global Professional Development, a beneficial new 10-credit module developed in partnership with the CMI.

Información Adicional


* Buen nivel de inglés

* Grado finalizado.
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