
Grado bachelor in international business del centro INSA Business, Marketing Communication School

Programa de Grado bachelor in international business

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Barcelona


You can take an optional work placement in year three and return to complete the final year as year four & ndash, giving you an advantage in the graduate job market.

An ideal program for gaining an understanding of business in general and the importance of an international vision in service businesses and smaller enterprises in particular.

Students come from all over the world to study this course in London because of its international relevance &ndash, we are now offering the same globally-focused in Barcelona.

A quién va dirigido

The studies go destined to all those that want to learn knowledge, specific skills and to develop their professional career in the area of the management of companies or departments, deepening in international aspects.


You will gain a thorough understanding of how international firms operate and an appreciation of how differing cultures affect business life. International issues in finance and marketing are explored and you will also learn the fundamentals of marketing, human resource management, operations management and finance and information systems.



Year One / Level 4

- Economics for Business and Management

- Principles of Marketing

- Quantitative Methods and Applications for Business

- Understanding People in Organisations

Year Two / Level 5

- Human Resources Management in a Global Context

- Managed Finance and Accounting

- Strategic Business Environment

- Plus one option module

Year Three / Level 6

- International Business Strategy

- Cross Cultural Management

- International Marketing

- Plus two optional modules

Titulación obtenida

Grado bachelor in international business


The pupils can be residents in Spain that want to be formed or to continue their formation in English in the area of the businesses or foreigners that want to come to Barcelona to know another culture, ways of doing and studying a program in a language that they know.

Información Adicional

Language: English Mode: Campus attendance

Price: 7.200€ per year

Timetables / Groups: Monday to Friday (9h to 14h)

Profesional opportunities:

Graduates from this course are highly attractive to employers because of their understanding of global business operations, their analytical and problem-solving capacity.

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