
Global Executive MBA in English del centro EAE Business School Barcelona

Programa de Global Executive MBA in English

Centro Premium

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 12 months / 60 ECTS
Localización: Barcelona


This program has a prominent global character, covering the whole supply chain and the associated design, planning and management processes.

The Global Executive MBA in the Hybrid format gives you a global vision of markets, while giving you the opportunity to network at an international level, which is indispensable for modern professionals. Using our innovative Hybrid Methodology, combining virtual learning with three week-long residential periods in Madrid, Shanghai and New York, the program recreates the reality of companies and the modern professional world, with a perfect combination of the digital and physical worlds. Over the course of the program, you will acquire a fundamental overview of the market and business in Asia, the Americas and Europe.

Designed for professionals with an average of 10 years’ professional experience, every year, we welcome students from over 15 different countries, who embark on this transformational experience together. Over the course of the GEMBA, you will acquire a global network of contacts and the tools required to ensure your professional development, as well as the latest knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of leadership.

The Global Executive MBA experience is based on the reality of the modern business world and enables you to apply the knowledge and skills that you acquire in class in real time in your professional life, boosting your learning. The program equips you to tackle the challenges that arise in the business landscape in an increasingly dynamic world, training leaders who inspire and drive transformation, both in and outside of the company.

A quién va dirigido

The programme is designed for professionals with an average of 10 years of experience. 


  1. Discover the management tools needed to elaborate immediate action plans and achieve results.
  2. Promote managerial skills that will strengthen the global vision of companies and integrate every department under the same strategy.
  3. Develop the skills that will help you achieve success in multinational environments and anticipate changes in order to help organisations overcome their future challenges.


Module 1 Environment and global markets

Current socio-economic context - 5 ECTS:

Economic environment

Financial System and markets

Fiscal and Legal

Legal tendencies

Sustainability and environment

Marketing and commercialization in international environment - 5 ECTS:

Marketing strategies


Digital Marketing and e-commerce

Sales Management

Module 2 People Management

Intellectual capital and talent management - 5 ECTS:

Human Capital Management

Cross cultural management

Diversity and inclusion

Change management

Management Skills - 5 ECTS:

Emotional intelligence

Negotiation skills

Disruptive Leadership


Module 3 Strategic Resources & Strategic Management

Finance for decision making & Management Control - 5 ECTS:

Investment and financing decisions

Financial markets & start up ecosystem

Financial Risk Management

Company appraisals and M&A


Financial planning and control

Budget management

Business Intelligence

Strategic Management & Digital Transformation - 5 ECTS:

Competitive advantage

Strategy Management

International Strategy

Business Game

VUCA environment a digital ecosystem

Leadership for sustainability

Disruptive technologies for digital business

Business Performance Analysis & Emerging Techs

Module 4 Business Transformation

Analytics from Business and Industry Perspective & Customer Analytics - 5 ECTS:

Social and economical context for Big Data

Business strategy and Big Data Big

Data infraestructures and componentes in business context

From Big Data to Business Analytics

Technology map and systems

Data Strategy & Data Análisis

Reporting & Dashboards

Google Analytics

Transforming and competing from operations - 5 ECTS:

Descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics

Transforming supply chain

Robotics & process automation

Artificial Intelligence for operations

Demand forecasting

Module 5 Entrepreneurship

Project Management in the digital world: landing strategies - 5 ECTS:

Digital Business & Innovation

Agile Project Management - PRINCE2 y SCRUM

Growth Hacking

Design Thinking

Module 6 Final Master Thesis

Final Master Thesis - 15 ECTS:

Business proposal. The project.

Feasibility: technical, commercial and finantial.

Strategy and planning.

Titulación obtenida

Global Executive MBA in English.


To become an EAE student, you need to have a real thirst for learning, a dynamic and open spirit, and a desire to move forward in a participative and international environment. You have to be motivated to give your very best and not be afraid of demanding standards.

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