
FUNCTIONAL INTERIOR DECORATION del centro London College of Contemporary Arts


Modalidad: En el extranjero
Localización: City of London

A quién va dirigido




This course explores the skills needed for a career in Interior Decoration and looks into a practicing interior designer',s working life. The course will support you in developing a details design / scheme by first exploring both practical and creative practices and also creating inspiration sketchbooks. The course works towards a final one-room project which will be presented at the end of the course.

The course will include:

- Understanding of the history of decoration & craftsmanship

- How to work with clients, architects & trades

- Evaluating site constraints & practical ergonomics

- Sourcing furniture and antiques and understanding auctions

- Drawing skills required to detail elevations and plans


This programme is designed to be accessible to a wide range of learners, from those wishing to explore a creative subject to those already working on a freelance basis, looking to up skill.

This course requires you to be a minimum of 18 years old, be eligible to study in the UK and have a good level of English.

Titulación obtenida


Información Adicional

Duration: Mondays from 18.00 - 21.00 and two Saturdays from 10.00 - 16.00

Course Length: 36 Hours

Start Dates: March / May / September

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