
Experto en ITIL Intermediate: gestión del servicio a lo largo del ciclo de vida del centro New Horizons Barcelona

Programa de Experto en ITIL Intermediate: gestión del servicio a lo largo del ciclo de vida

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 15
Localización: Barcelona



El objetivo de este curso es proporcionar a los asistentes los conocimientos necesarios sobre cuestiones relacionadas con la Gestión del Servicio a lo largo del Ciclo de Vida, tales como:

Conceptos fundamentales del ciclo de vida

Gestión de la comunicación y de los proveedores

Integración de los procesos de gestión del servicio a lo largo del ciclo de vida del servicio

Gestión de los servicios a lo largo del ciclo de vida del servicio

Gobierno y organización


Implementación y mejora de la capacidad de la Gestión de Servicios


Este curso está dirigido a profesionales TI, responsables de servicios TI, directores y responsables de Informática, gestores de procesos ITIL y personal de operaciones que necesiten adquirir o ampliar conocimientos en los procesos relacionados con la Gestión del Servicio a lo largo del Ciclo de Vida.


Key concepts of the service lifecycle

Managing services and service management

The service lifecycle:

The five stages of the service lifecycle and how they interact with each other

Considering services from end-to-end: justification, design, measuring, testing, deploying, operating and looking for ways to improve

Service value across the different stages of the service lifecycle:

How service strategy elements dictate what constitutes value, and how value is defined and measured

Realizing business value in service operation

Testing and demonstrating the service value in service transition

Monitoring service measurements and using them to support all stages of the service lifecycle

Other key concepts:

Core, enabling and enhancing services

Organizing for service management

Use of the RACI model to define and clarify roles and responsibilities, particularly in interfaces between processes and between service lifecycle stages

Risk assessment and risk management

Sharing knowledge across the service lifecycle, and the use of knowledge management

Communication and stakeholder management

Co-ordination of business relationship management across the service lifecycle and the role of business relationship management in communication

Stakeholder management and communication

The value of good communication and ensuring its flow across the service lifecycle:

The use of service models to aid communication on service strategy and value creation

Communication during service design

Communication during service transition

Communication during service operation

Communication during continual service improvement

Integrating service management processes across the service lifecycle

The integration of service management through the service lifecycle

The impact of service strategy on other service lifecycle stages

The value of a service lifecycle perspective when designing service solutions

The inputs and outputs of processes and stages in the service lifecycle

The value to business and the interfaces of all processes in the ITIL Service Strategy core publication:

Strategy management for IT services

Service portfolio management

Financial management for IT services

Demand management

Business relationship management

The value to business and the interfaces of all processes in the ITIL Service Design core publication:

Design co-ordination

Service catalogue management

Service level management

Availability management

Capacity management

IT service continuity management

Information security management

Supplier management

The value to business and the interfaces of all processes in the ITIL Service Transition core publication:

Transition planning and support

Change management

Service asset and configuration management

Release and deployment management

Service validation and testing

Change evaluation

Knowledge management

The value to business and the interfaces of all processes in the ITIL Service Operation core publication:

Event management

Incident management

Request fulfilment

Problem management

Access management

The value to business and the interfaces of the seven-step improvement process, along with the role other processes play

Managing services across the service lifecycle

Identification and assessment of customer and stakeholder needs and requirements across all service lifecycle stages, and ensuring appropriate priority is given to them

How the service design package (SDP) provides a link between service design, service transition and service operation

Managing cross-lifecycle processes to ensure appropriate impact and involvement at all required service lifecycle stages:

Flow of knowledge/experience/skills between lifecycle stages

Involve service transition in early stages of the service lifecycle

Involve operations staff, business users and other relevant stakeholders in service rehearsals

Implementing and improving services, using key sources of information for identifying the need for improvement:

Service level management (SLM) review meeting &ndash, reviewing management information and trends to ensure that services are meeting agreed service levels

Customer satisfaction surveys

Reviewing business trends and changed priorities, and keeping ahead of business projections

The challenges, critical success factors and risks of the service lifecycle stages, and potential conflicts and competing issues across the service lifecycle

Governance, roles, people, competence and the organization


The importance and impact of good governance on service management

The use of governance in sourcing

The role of the IT strategy or steering group in setting direction, policy and strategy for IT services

The application of governance in change management, through change authorization to ensure the integrity of live services. The role of the change advisory board (CAB)

The support from management systems to ensure appropriate governance

Organizational structure, skills and competence:

The challenge and application of organizational development

Assessing and applying various organizational structures for service management, and combining several perspectives in matrix organizations

Skills and competence

Service provider types and service strategies:

The different service provider types, and the implication of choosing a specific type

The selection of appropriate service delivery strategies


Measuring and demonstrating business value

Determining and using metrics:

Service measurement

Service, process and technical metrics

CSFs and KPIs

Using measurements and metrics to validate, justify, direct, intervene

Design and development of measurement frameworks and methods:

Design and development of a service measurement framework

Designing measurement methods and metrics

Monitoring and control systems

Monitoring, reporting and control

Monitor control loops

Use of event management tools to increase visibility of the infrastructure and IT service delivery

Implementing and improving service management capability

Implementing service management

Understanding the high-level goals and objectives of the organization. Identifying the external (legislation, competitors, etc) and internal (organizational structure, culture, etc) drivers

Service strategy implementation taking a service lifecycle approach

Assessing service management

Assessing the current situation regarding service provision:

Strategic assessment

SWOT analysis

Gap analysis and IT service management maturity assessment

ISO/IEC 20000 certification

Six Sigma



Assessing current and defining future required maturity levels, quality and cost of provision

Using benchmarking to identify need for improvement for each service lifecycle stage

Improving service management

Planning for improvement with short-, medium- and longer-term improvement initiatives

Using the CSI approach and Deming Cycle to ensure that the organization continues to move forward with continual improvement

The seven-step improvement process, to measure progress and enable potential improvements to the service lifecycle to be identified

Key considerations for implementation and improvement of both the practice of service management and the services themselves:

Having the appropriate business case which shows the return on investment or the return on value

Stakeholder change management

Key considerations when planning and implementing service management technologies

Información Adicional


Este curso prepara para el examen ITIL®, Intermediate Qualification: Managing Across the Lifecycle (ITMLC) Certificate, que conduce a la certificación ITIL®, Expert in IT Service Management Certificate.

El examen consta de un total de 8 preguntas de opción múltiple, y con puntuaciones diferentes, basadas en un caso concreto. Cada pregunta presenta 4 posibles respuestas: una de ellas puntúa con 5 puntos, otra con 3 puntos, otra con 1 punto, y la restante no recibe ninguna puntuación.

La duración del examen es de 90 minutos.
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