
English intensive course del centro Aula Hispánica

Programa de English intensive course

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: A Coruña


This course is designed for people with little time available, and who want to take advantage of this time to the maximum. It is designed to get the most progress in communicating in Spanish in the minimum time. The course is comprised of 6 daily hours of class in groups of reduced size.


This course is designed for people with little time available, and who want to take advantage of this time to the maximum. It is designed to get the most progress in communicating in Spanish in the minimum time. The course is comprised of 6 daily hours of class in groups of reduced size.

Información Adicional


Morning 9:30h - 13:30h (with 30 minuts pause)

Afternoon 17:00h - 18:45h

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