
Double Degree in Business Administration and Marketing del centro EIG Business School

Programa de Double Degree in Business Administration and Marketing

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Madrid


If you are passionate about management, innovation, and commercial strategy, this dual degree will allow you to achieve your professional goals and stand out in a competitive market.

The Dual Degree in Business Administration and Marketing offers you a comprehensive and distinctive education that combines business management skills with mastery of marketing and communication strategies. This programme will prepare you to lead any organization in a highly competitive and globalized environment, equipping you with analytical, creative, and strategic vision.

Through a methodology that balances theory and practice, you will develop key skills in business management, strategic planning, market analysis, and digital communication. You will be prepared to stand out as a versatile professional, capable of facing the challenges of today’s market.

A quién va dirigido

This programme is aimed at students with:

  • An interest in the world of business and marketing.
  • Analytical and strategic capability for decision-making.
  • Creative and communicative skills to connect with audiences and lead teams.
  • A desire to innovate and provide solutions in dynamic and global business environments.


  1. Efficient Business Management: Learn to plan, direct, and optimize an organization’s resources.
  2. Marketing Strategy: Design and implement marketing plans tailored to market needs.
  3. Financial and Economic Analysis: Master tools for making solid and profitable decisions.
  4. Digital Marketing and Communication: Use digital platforms and tools to connect brands with their audiences.
  5. Leadership and Critical Thinking: Develop skills to manage teams and face business challenges successfully.



1º semestre

Economic History

Corporate Mathematics

Introduction to Corporations I

Professional Ethics, Basic Principals of Law and Equality

History of Spanish Institutions (Humanities)

Marketing and Interpersonal Communication Techniques


2º semestre

Introduction to Economics

Financial Mathematics

Introduction to Corporations II

Mercantile Law

Computer Science Applied to Marketing

Introduction to Marketing

Critical Thinking


1º semestre

Corporate Sociology

Financial Accounting I

Micro-economics COM

Corporate Statistics I

Psychology Applied to Marketing

Business Ethics

Christian Social Thinking

2º semestre

Civil Law

Financial Accounting II


Corporate Statistics II

Production Management

Modern Language

Strategic Marketing


1º semestre

Cost Accounting

Strategic Management and Corporate Politics I

Financial Management I

Product Policy

Market Research

Sales Management

Consumer Behaviour

2º semestre

Strategic Management and Corporate Politics II

Balance Analysis

Financial Management II

National and International Economic Environment of the Firm

Distribution Policy and Ecommerce

Price and Cost Policy

Market Research II


1º semestre

Corporate Taxation

Corporate Decision Methods

Communication Policy and Digital Advertising

2º semestre

Management Information Systems

Human Resources

Commercial Negotiation Techniques

Relational, Direct and Interactive Marketing


External Internship (Marketing)

End of Degree Project (Business Administration and Management)


1º semestre

Industrial and Services Marketing

Academic Recognition of Credits COM 6

Marketing Plan


External Internship (Business Administration and Management)

End of Degree Project (Marketing)

Titulación obtenida

Double Degree in Business Administration and Marketing


  1. Request Information
  2. Requirements and Documentation
  3. Admission Tests
  4. Confirmation and Enrollment

Información Adicional

Duration: 5 years

Official Course Credits: 325 ECTS

Proprietary Course Credits: 12 ECTS

Total Credits Completed: 337,5 ECTS

The programme includes:

  1. Real-world cases from leading companies to apply what’s learned in the classroom.
  2. Business simulations and practical projects, where you will develop skills in management and marketing.
  3. Professional internships in management and marketing departments of national and international companies.
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