
Diplomatura en Short Course: International Business (London) del centro London School of Business & Finance

Programa de Diplomatura en Short Course: International Business (London)

Modalidad: Online


Develop an advanced understanding of international business and the ways in which global organisations operate. You will study the impact of cultural differences on business and the strategies organisations can use to enter new markets. The course also explores the effects of globalisation on business, as well as the challenges and opportunities it presents.

Programme focus:

- International Business

- Globalisation

- Cross Cultural Management

Key Benefits:

* Better understand the impact of cultural differences on business operations

* Assess markets in different countries for investment and growth opportunities

* Understand the advantages and disadvantages of different marketing strategies and the ethical issues facing global companies

* Gain an overview of how governments influence international business activities

Who is the module for?

This course is designed to help students build a critical analysis of the elements necessary to develop international business. It will make you aware how to work within different cultures and develop an understanding of building a business across borders.
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