


Modalidad: Online
Duración 3 meses


El nivel intermedio constituye un curso de avance y maduración de los contenidos del nivel básico (A2). La complejidad será mayor tanto a nivel léxico como gramatical y sintáctico con el fin de alcanzar un nivel intermedio (B1).

Ser capaz de comprender los puntos principales de textos claros y en lengua estándar si tratan sobre cuestiones que le son conocidas, ya sea en situaciones de trabajo, de estudio o de ocio. Saber desenvolverse en la mayor parte de las situaciones que pueden surgir durante un viaje por zonas donde se utiliza la lengua. Ser capaz de producir textos sencillos y coherentes sobre temas que le son familiares o en los que tiene un interés personal. Poder describir de forma oral experiencias, acontecimientos, deseos y aspiraciones, así como justificar brevemente sus opiniones o explicar sus planes.

Este curso de nivel intermedio (B1) constituye una consolidación y maduración de los contenidos adquiridos en el nivel básico (A2). Los contenidos previstos se muestran en los siguientes listados:

Contenidos funcionales:
Answer questions at an interview
Ask questions at an interview
Compliment someone
Get settled in at an office

o Advice
o Instructions
o Someone tips on how to do something

o Other people
o Yourself

Show someone around the office
Talk about what you like and dislike
Welcome someone
Close a deal on an apartment
Compare things
Compliment someone
Decide on moving
Discuss a property with a real estate agent
Look for apartments

Talk about
o Leasing and renting
o What you like and dislike

Catch up with an old friend
Get to know someone

Talk about
o Habits and diets
o Marital status
o Preferences
o The way things used to be
o yourself

Ask for a refund

Talk about
o A costume party
o A robbery

Tell someone what happened
Catch up with an old friend

o A medical problem
o The work of a massage therapist

Give your medical history
Invite someone to lunch
Offer to do a favor

Talk about
o Acupuncture
o An injury
o Feeling sick

Tell someone what you’ve been doing
Cook soup
o A visit to the dietician
o Changes in lifestyle

Give instructions
Keep fit
Plan a menu
Stay healthy
Talk about future plans
Ask for help
Board a plane and find your seat
Get ready to go to the airport
Give instructions
Rent a car
Talk about car trouble
Welcome guests to your home
Ask for advice

o A hypothetical situation
o An offer with a co-worker

Give advice
Request something from your boss
Talk about being ‘green’
Return things to a store

Talk about
o Electronic equipment
o Hopes and wishes
o Something you regret

Upgrade your cell phone
Exchange currency

o A friend’s problem
o Expenses
o What someone has asked
o What someone has said
Talk about
o A problem at the bank
o Budgeting and expenses

Check in to a hotel

o Advice
o Compliments

Organize a surprise celebration
Shop for clothes

Talk about
o Art
o Wine and winery

Taste wine
Congratulate someone
Describe a vacation
Discuss changes in lifestyle

o Good news
o Someone a gift

Talk about
o Feeling sick
o Future plans

Tell someone what you’d like to do

Contenidos gramaticales:
- Present Simple: Negative, Positive and Questions
- Present Continuous: Negative, Positive and Questions
- Stative Verbs
- Imperative
- Gerund
- Infinitive
- Would + like / love / enjoy / hate
- Comparative adjectives
- Superlative adjectives
- Too / Enough
- Nouns quantifiers
- As … as / the same as / similar to / like / different from
- Past Simple: Negative, Positive and Questions
- Used to
- Words of Sequence
- Time expressions
- Tag Questions: To be, Present Simple, Past Simple
- Past Continuous: Negative, Positive and Questions
- Past Simple
- Present Continuous
- Present Simple
- Present Perfect Simple: Negative, Positive and Questions, Tag Questions
- Past Simple
- Present Perfect Continuous: Negative, Positive and Questions, Tag Questions
- Future simple: Will Negative, Positive and Questions, Tag Questions
- Future: Be going to Negative, Positive and Questions, Tag Questions
- Future: Present Continuous
- Conditionals: First Conditional, Time Clauses with Future Meaning
- Modals and Semi-modals: can / could / be able to/ must / have to / may / might
- Tag questions
- Reflexive Pronouns: Had better
- Modals and semi-modals: Would
- Conditionals: First Conditional and Second Conditional
- Past Perfect Simple: Negative, Positive and Questions
- Conditionals: Third Conditional – Review
- Wish / hope
- Reported Speech: Reporting Verbs, Questions, Modals and Semi-modals, Commands and Requests.
- Passive: Past Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Simple, Modals and Semi-modals
- Relative Pronouns
- Relative clauses
- Used to / be used to / get used to

Contenidos léxicos:
- Introductions and greetings
- Workplace vocabulary
- Apartments
- Contract
- Rent
- Furniture
- Socializing at work
- Lifestyle
- Socializing with friends
- The theater
- Shopping
- Robbery
- Blackout
- Party
- Medical advice
- Food preparation
- On a diet
- Gym
- Air travel
- Cars
- On vacation
- Salary and work conditions
- Personality
- Recycling
- Technology
- Money and banking
- Bills
- Budgeting
- Travel
- Hotel
- Visiting Sites
- Surprises
- Graduation
- Feeling ill

- Long vowels vs. short vowels
- Consonant sounds: b / v, s / z/ sh, g / j / y, th.
- “ed” verb endings.
- Stressing correctly compound nouns.
- Word stress.
- Changing word stress in nouns and verbs
- Contracted forms of have.
- Contractions: ‘ll, won’t and ‘d
- Sentence stress: putting emphasis on the most important words
- Intonation in questions.
- Pronunciation of positive and negative modals.
- Distinguishing between modals.
- Practicing the pronunciation of modal verbs.
- Contracted words and rhythm
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