
Curso de Inglés nivel avanzado (IV) del centro AULA DE FORMADORES

Programa de Curso de Inglés nivel avanzado (IV)

Modalidad: Online



Consta de 9 unidades donde consolidan definitivamente los tres niveles anteriores con repasos gramaticales (oraciones de relativo, verbos modales, voz pasiva&hellip,) y ejercicios. Ya que el alumno de este nivel presenta un buen dominio del Inglés, se insiste más en el uso de &ldquo,Phrasal verbs&rdquo, y se introducen más expresiones idiomáticas y coloquiales.


1 Language Objectives_Unit 1

1.1 Vocabulary to do with prisons and punishment

1.2 Complete the text by choosing the best option

1.3 Match each of the following criminals with the crime they commit

1.4 Complete the following sentences

1.5 Expressing probability, possibility, certainty - Present and Future

1.6 Expressing probability, possibility, certainty - Past

1.7 Complete the sentences

1.8 Purpose using - so that

1.9 Watch the video and answer the questions

1.10 Watch the video, read the script and fill in the gaps

1.11 Read the letter and correct the mistakes

1.12 Listen and fill in the missing information

1.13 Check your answers

1.14 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verb

1.15 Choose the correct adjective

1.16 Fill in the gaps with the correct word

1.17 Match sentences to the correct response

1.18 Rewrite the sentences using the correct form

1.19 Choose the correct verb

1.20 Rewrite part A of the text below in reported speech

1.21 Rewrite part B of the text below in reported speech

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