
Curso de Inglés: learning business english (advanced): reuniones y negociaciones + 12 elive sessions del centro Gabinete de Asesoramiento y Formación

Programa de Curso de Inglés: learning business english (advanced): reuniones y negociaciones + 12 elive sessions

Modalidad: Online



Al finalizar este curso el alumno será capaz de presentar y describir un producto, saber afrontar una entrevista de trabajo, desenvolverse ante un despido o la jubilación, defender las cifras de la empresa, recibir nuevos compañeros, establecer un horario laboral.



1.1. A job interview

1.2. People will have to go

1.3. Robert Dawson is retiring

1.4. There are problems with the accounts

1.5. Reduced working hours or flexitime

1.6. Faulty goods

1.7. A new colleague

1.8. Organising a training day

1.9. A presentation of the Annual Figures

1.10. Who delivers our products ?


2.1. The verb (1)

2.1.1. The present tense

2.1.2. The past tense

2.1.3. The present perfect tense

2.1.4. The past perfect tense

2.1.5. The future forms

2.1.6. The conditional tense

2.1.7. The imperative

2.1.8. Short forms

2.1.9. Short answers

2.1.10. General conclusions on tense formation

2.2. The verb (2)

2.2.1. Modals (1)

2.2.2. Modals (2)

2.2.3. Semi-auxiliairies

2.2.4. The passive

2.2.5. Infinitive and &ndash,ing forms

2.2.6. Prepositional and phrasal verbs

2.3. Nouns, adjectives, &hellip,

2.3.1. Nouns

2.3.2. Articles

2.3.3. Adjectives

2.3.4. Adverbs

2.3.5. Quantifiers

2.3.6. Possessives

2.3.7. Demonstratives

2.3.8. Interrogatives

2.3.9. Personal and reflexive pronouns

2.3.10. Numerals

2.3.11. Word formation

2.4. Sentences and paragraphs

2.4.1. Declarative sentences

2.4.2. Interrogative sentences

2.4.3. Imperative sentences

2.4.4. Exclamatory sentences

2.4.5. Short answers and responses

2.4.6. Question-tags

2.4.7. Word order

2.4.8. Reported speech (1) : declarative sentences

2.4.9. Reported speech (2) : interrogative 3. sentences

2.4.10. Reported speech (3) : imperative sentences

2.4.11. Reported speech (4) : use of reporting verbs

2.4.12. Relative clauses

2.4.13. Connectives


3.1. What do you think abput tele-working

3.2. What solution(s) do you see to transport difficulties in cities

3.3. What do you think about politics

3.4. Is sustainable development possible or not

3.5. For or against flexitime

3.6. Would you rather be employed or self-employed

3.7. For or against government intervention in the economy &ndash, viewpoints

3.8. Government intervention in the economy - debate

3.9. For or against marriage &ndash, viewpoints

3.10. For or against marriage &ndash, debate

3.11. How do you cope with stress &ndash, viewpoints

3.12. How do you cope with stress &ndash, debate

Información Adicional


Al finalizar el curso, el Alumno obtiene el Diploma
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