
Curso de Inglés elive: nivel B2-english upper-intermediate + 8 elive sessions del centro Gabinete de Asesoramiento y Formación

Programa de Curso de Inglés elive: nivel B2-english upper-intermediate + 8 elive sessions

Modalidad: Online



Ser capaz de entender las ideas principales de textos complejos que traten de temas tanto concretos como abstractos, incluso si son de carácter técnico siempre que estén dentro de su campo de especialización.Poder relacionarse con hablantes nativos con un grado suficiente de fluidez y naturalidad de modo que la comunicación se realice sin esfuerzo por parte de ninguno de los interlocutores.

Producir textos claros y detallados sobre temas diversos así como defender un punto de vista sobre temas generales indicando los pros y los contras de las distintas opciones.


1. Vocabulario B2:

1.1. Politics

1.1.1. Politicians

1.1.2. Parties and governments

1.1.3. Elections

1.2. The media

1.2.1. The written press

1.2.2. Radio and Television press

1.2.3. The role of the press

1.3. Environment

1.3.1. Sources and forms of pollution

1.3.2. Consequences of pollution

1.3.3. Environmental policies

1.4. Violence and crime

1.4.1. Types of crimes

1.4.2. Causes of crime

1.4.3. The fight against crime

1.4.4. Crime and the law

1.5. Getting on with people

1.5.1. Attitudes towards work

1.5.2. Attitudes towards life

1.5.3. Attitudes towards other people

1.6. Working conditions

1.6.1. The job market

1.6.2. Work organisation

2. Gramática B2:

2.1. The passive

2.2. Prepositional and phrasal verbs

2.3. Question-tags

3. Pronunciación Inglesa

3.1. General overview of vowels, diphthongs and consonants

3.2. Vowels in detail

3.3. Diphthongs in detail

3.4. Recapitulation 1

3.5. Consonants in detail (1)

3.6. Consonants in detail (2)

3.7. Recapitulation 2

3.8. Exercices

3.9. The stress

3.10. Decoding phonetic transcriptions

3.11. Recapitulation 3

4. Puntos de vista

4.1. What do you think abput tele-working

4.2. What solution(s) do you see to transport difficulties in cities

4.3. What do you think about politics

4.4. Is sustainable development possible or not

4.5. For or against flexitime

4.6. Would you rather be employed or self-employed

4.7. For or against government intervention in the economy &ndash, viewpoints

4.8. Government intervention in the economy - debate

4.9. For or against marriage &ndash, viewpoints

4.10. For or against marriage &ndash, debate

4.11. How do you cope with stress &ndash, viewpoints

4.12. How do you cope with stress &ndash, debate

5. Reuniones y negociaciones

5.1. A job interview

5.2. People will have to go

5.3. Robert Dawson is retiring

5.4. There are problems with the accounts

5.5. Reduced working hours or flexitime

5.6 Faulty goods

5.7. A new colleague

5.8. Organising a training day

5.9. A presentation of the Annual Figures

5.10 Who delivers our products

6. Actualidad

6.1. Article of the day

6.2. Video of the day

6.3. Library

Información Adicional


Al finalizar el curso, el Alumno obtiene el Diploma
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