
Curso Certificación JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer del centro CAS TRAINING

Programa de Curso Certificación JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer

Modalidad: Semi-presencial
Duración 65 minutos
Localización: Madrid


La obtención de esta certificación asegura a los profesionales la familiarización con los medios fundamentales proporcionados por el lenguaje JavaScript.

Esta es una credencial profesional que demuestra la competencia de los profesionales en el diseño, análisis y programación orientado a objetos. Quienes se certifiquen comprenderán la perspectiva de programación encaminada a objetivos JavaScript. 

A quién va dirigido

El curso está destinado a todas aquellas personas que estén interesadas en conocer más de este programa


Lo que buscamos con la formación es proporcionar a los participantes los conocimientos que les permita obtener la certificación JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer.


Sección 1: Object-Oriented Programming - Objects

-be able to create objects using a variety of techniques, including literals, constructors and factories;

-be able to refer to object fields, including nested ones, with both dot notation and bracket notation;

-be able to alter objects as required, including by adding, deleting, and modifying properties and methods;

-know how to verify the presence of object fields, enumerate them, and influence the configuration of an object and individual fields (e.g. by blocking the possibility to modify them)

-understand that objects are stored in variables as references and know how this affects manipulating them in practice (e.g. when comparing objects)

-know what the context of a method call is and be able to use the keyword this in practice;

-understand what an object prototype is, what inheritance using a chain of prototypes is and how it can be used, for example, to modify the properties of a group of related objects.

Sección 2: Object-Oriented Programming - Classes

-be able to declare classes, including using the class expression technique, and create objects using them;

-be able to define properties both from the class methods and directly in the class body;

-understand the idea of class inheritance and be able to use it in practice;

-be able to create and use static methods and properties of classes;

-be able to define getters and setters in classes.

Sección 3: Object-Oriented Programming - Built-in Objects

-be familiar with the basic set of built-in objects of the JS language;

-understand the difference between primitive types and their corresponding wrapper objects, know the basic properties and methods of these objects, and be able to use autoboxing in practice;

-be able to handle Array data to an advanced degree, using such methods as filtering, sorting, reducing, mapping, searching, merging, etc.

-be able to use the destructuring assignment and spread operator in their work with arrays;

-know in which situations objects of the Map and Set types can be used for data storage as an alternative to Array and Object, declare them, and manipulate their elements;

-understand the JSON format and be able to convert objects and arrays to and from this format;

-be able to use the methods provided by the built-in Math object to perform basic mathematical calculations;

-be able to take advantage of basic regular expressions (using the RegExp type) to parse character strings;

-be able to extend the built-in JS types with new properties and methods.

Sección 4: Advanced Functions

-know and be able to use in practice such mechanisms related to functions as: Extended Parameter Handling (default parameter values, rest parameter, spread operator), Recursion (closure, first-class functions), Forwarding calls (apply, call, bind), Decorating functions (wrappers, higher order functions)

-understand the concept of lazy evaluation, and be able to use generators and iterators in practice;

-clearly understand when asynchronous programming techniques should be used;

-know how to use callback functions in practice to solve problems that require asynchronous operations;

-understand the Promise mechanism and be able to use it as an alternative to callback functions;

-understand the operation of the async function in conjunction with the await keyword and be able to use it to handle promises.

Titulación obtenida

  • Certificación JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer
  • Profesor certificado OpenEDG
  • Documentación oficial: Certificación JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer


  • No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación.
  • Se recomienda haber obtenido la Certificación JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer y haber completado el Curso JavaScript Essentials 2.

Información Adicional

Rango de precios: 501-1000 €

Qué nos diferencia

  • Apuesta por la certificación oficial de fabricantes.
  • Oferta formativa orientada a roles y puesto de trabajo específicos.
  • Metodología ""Learning by doing"" basada en la experiencia práctica del alumno en contextos reales.
  • Formadores certificados con experiencia en la aplicación real de tecnologías.
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