
Concept Art Program del centro Madrid Academy of Art

Programa de Concept Art Program

Modalidad: Online


Talent is the result of a good theoretical foundation, a lot of passion, work, curiosity, patience.

The great masters started out making pitiful drawings, practiced until they made decent drawings, practiced until they made excellent drawings, and practiced until their work seemed to be touched by the hand of God. They practiced and learned.

This is an obsession for you and that obsession is what will lead you to dedicate yourself completely to it, so the result can only be extraordinary.

A quién va dirigido

The training has been aimed at all people who are interested in being part of the artistic environment and making the most of their creativity and innovative abilities.


You will learn to draw, paint and sculpt as the great masters learned.



Comparative Method 

Bargue drawing

Blocking process

Rendering process

Comparative Constructive Method

Straight and curved lines, hatching and cross hatching

Simple shapes and geometric shape in perspective

Cast drawing: David features



Language of Form

Lines and planes

Psychological theory of form

Block In




Scale of values

Key Value

Organization of values



Light and shadow: Theory of light


Shapes and edges

Edges and textures

Topology: planes, tris,

quads and n-gons

Low poly sculpting vs high poly sculpting

Color Design

Hue and value

Chroma and saturation


Tints, shades and tones

Munsell color theory


Light on a matte surface

Light on a specular surface

Light on a transparent surface

Light on different surfaces


Human body proportions

Bones and muscles of the body

Anatomical differences by sex, age and race

Grease, creases and deformations

How to draw a skull

Anatomy of the head, neck and shoulders

Anatomy of the face and facial expressions

Anatomy of the thoracic cage

Anatomy of the pelvis

Anatomy of the arm, forearm and hand

Anatomy of the legs, knee and foot

Biomechanics: weights, forces, relationships, stresses and relaxations


Basic fundamentals of perspective

One-point perspective/frontal view

Two-point perspective

Multiple leakage points

Three-point perspective

Inclined planes

Arches, curves and bridges

Elevation, plan and profile


Shadow on characters and objects

Characters and objects in perspective


Drawing/painting session with different compositions every week


Model studies. small format

Skull cast study

Portrait with model



Value studies


Color studies

Film Language

Cinematographic terms and techniques




Use of the camera


Turning on






Aspect ratios

Light design

Texturing and detailing

Color weight

Multiple focal points

Aerial perspective

3D light passes

Keyframe development (Thumbnails and final image painting)


Texture map

Materials (PBR materials and procedural materials)



Comparative Constructive Method - Different sketches, taking into account the composition and 3 final proyects

David ear 

David nouse

David mouth


Comparative Constructive Method - Different sketches, taking into account the composition and 6 final proyects

Maniqui with fabric

Figure contraposto

Figure back pose

Figure difficult pose

Figure sitting pose

Figure difficult pose with difficult light


Comparative Constructive Method

Different sketches, taking into account the composition and 6 final proyects

Portrait front, profile and 3/4

Portrait with difficult light


Portrait with hands

Portrait with hands in difficult possition


Comparative Constructive Method - Different sketches, taking into account the composition and 6 final proyects

1 object (geometric shape) still life (full pallete) with different backgrounds

2 object (geometric shape) still life (full pallete) with different backgrounds

3 object (organic shape) still life (full pallete) with different backgrounds

Different object, shapes and materials still life


Comparative Constructive Method

Landscape drawing (threes or bushes)

Landscape drawing (scene)

Landscape painting (master copy)

Landscape painting (plein air)

Landscape classes will be held in the spring and fall months, when the weather is kinder.


Comparative Constructive Method - Different color studies, taking into account the composition and 6 final proyects

Portrait front, profile and 3/4

Portrait with difficult light


Portrait with hands

Portrait with hands in difficult possition


Comparative Constructive Method - Different color studies, taking into account the composition and 6 final proyects

Maniqui with fabric

Figure contraposto

Figure back pose

Figure difficult pose

Figure sitting pose

Figure difficult pose with difficult light

Titulación obtenida

Concept Art: Design & Story Telling 


To carry out the course it is not necessary to have previous experience, qualifications or previous knowledge. All you need is to have a passion for art and a desire to learn

Información Adicional


Monday to Friday from 9am-5.30pm and Saturdays from 9am till 8pm (48h per week)


Autumn term from 4th September till 15th December 2023

Winter term from 8th January till 22nd March 2024

Spring term from 8th April till 21st June 2024


- 895€/month with scholarship, minimum enrollment 1 term (11 weeks) 

- 1095€/month without scholarship

Check below how to apply for your scholarship

Scholarship and enrolment process

1. Apply for a scholarship

Once you apply for the scholarship:

We will send you an email or whatapp to book an appointment by zoom. In this call we make sure that the school is a good fit for you, we answer all the questions and we give you a guided online tour of the academy

2. After the meeting (normally in less tha 24h) we send you a whatsapp or email with the scholarship resolution:

If positive, If the resolution is positive, you must make the deposit of the reservation €345 before the date that we indicate in the mail (normally within 15 days from receipt of the confirmation)

If negative, If the resolution is negative, we will send you an email with the options that best suit your particular case.

3. Once we receive the reservation payment, we will send you the letters for your visa application (if you need a student visa)

4. The final payment of the term have to be done one month before the start date of the program. We will send you an email with all the instructions and important dates (start and end of the term, payment date...)

5. You are now a MAA Student

Get ready to live in Madrid 

If you are coming from outside europe you will need to apply for a student visa. Please check our visa section for that. 

- Student Visa Aplication

- Once the student visa is obtained, it will come with a NIE (foreigner identity number), and once you arrive in Madrid you will have to apply for the TIE (Foreign Identification Card), barely you have obtained the TIE you can apply for jobs in Madrid that do not exceed 30 hours.

Apart from the payment of the program (€2685) you will have to save money to pay for food and accommodation, so I recommend that you spend some time planning your trip‼️ You can start here 

- Living in Madrid

Enjoy the experience 

Madrid is a city full art and great museums: the Prado Museum, the Sorolla Museum, the Thyssen Museum, the Reina Sofía Museum, the Romanticism Museum, the Lázaro Galiano Museum, the Cerralbo Museum...In Madrid you have a lot to see and enjoy!! So get ready to enjoy ALL

Other Program

Academic Drawing, Painting and Sculpture Program

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