
Computer science with business management - Bachelor del centro Royal Universities

Programa de Computer science with business management - Bachelor

Modalidad: Presencial



GESTIONAMOS TU INGRESO en una universidad británica. Elije entre alguna s de las mejores universidades y estudia este grado con una financiación del 100% del gobierno británico en condiciones muy especiales. ¡,Garantizamos tu plaza!

Computing has already transformed business and impacted significantly on, typically, computer-aided manufacturing, just-in-time manufacturing, data mining and data warehousing in the retail sector, e-procurement, internet banking and online shopping. These are today&rsquo,s technologies, but what will happen in the near future? What impact will computer science topics like machine learning, social modelling and evolutionary computation have on business?

There is a real demand for managers who have a thorough grasp of computer science as well as a clear understanding of management principles. This programme is designed to give you both.

This degree is taught jointly by the School of Computer Science and the Birmingham Business School. It will equip you with both core technical skills and the important business analysis skills required for a career in management, sales or marketing, especially in the IT sector. In each year, you will spend one third of your time in the Business School and two-thirds in the School of Computer Science.

First year

In your first year you take introductory courses in economics, business organisation, financial analysis and international economy. In Computer Science, you also learn computer programming in Java &ndash, a language widely used in business and industry, and study the principles of designing efficient software.

Second year

In the second year you continue your management studies with modules in Human Resources, Marketing, Global Marketing and Financial Decision Making. In Computer Science you learn about enabling technologies such as graphics and databases, while also implementing them, to improve your programming skills. You also learn the principles of computer networking and architectures.

Third year

In the final year you produce a large piece of software in your degree project, and select options from a variety on offer in the School of Computer Science. You can typically choose from two to four modules from a total of around 20, including Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, Commercial Programming, Databases, and Virtual Reality. On the business side, you study strategic management, supply chain management and corporate finance
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