Este curso profundiza en dos de las tareas más importantes de un administrador de bases de datos: las copias de seguridad y la recuperación de datos. Por ello, se cubren con sumo detalle los conceptos y la arquitectura que dan soporte a dichas actividades, así como los pasos para llevarlas a cabo de diferentes maneras y en diversas situaciones. Ello incluye cómo definir y evaluar nuestros propios escenarios para hacer copias de seguridad y la recuperación de datos.
Asimismo, los asistentes aprenderán a gestionar la memoria de forma efectiva y a realizar evaluaciones de rendimiento y tareas de optimización mediante las herramientas advisors. Por último, también se cubrirán todos los tipos de tecnologías Flashback, de programación de tareas dentro y fuera de la base de datos, y de control del uso de recursos del sistema.
Este curso prepara para el examen 1Z0-053: Oracle Database 11g: Administration II conducente a la certificación Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Professional (Oracle 11g DBA OCP).
Realizar copias de seguridad y recuperación de una base de datos (y de sus partes) con RMAN. Utilizar la tecnología flashback para visualizar estados anteriores de los datos, y revertir ya sea objetos ya sea la base de datos completa a un estado anterior. Utilizar una configuraciò,n de memoria adecuada y flexible en la base de datos. Identificar sesiones excesivas de bases de datos, así como un rendimiento insuficiente de SQL. Configurar la base de datos Oracle para una recuperación óptima. Configurar la instancia de la base de datos de manera que los recursos estén adecuadamente asignados entre sesiones y tareas. Programar tareas para su ejecución dentro y fuera de la base de datos. Utilizar la compresión para optimizar el almacenamiento de la base de datos y duplicar una base de datos
Curso orientado a administradores de bases de datos, administradores técnicos, ingenieros de soporte y consultores técnicos.
Core Concepts and Tools of the Oracle Database
- The Oracle Database Architecture: Overview
- ASM Storage Concepts
- Connecting to the Database and the ASM Instance
- DBA Tools Overview
Configuring for Recoverability
- Purpose of Backup and Recovery (B&R), Typical Tasks and Terminology
- Using the Recovery Manager (RMAN)
- Configuring your Database for B&R Operations
- Configuring Archivelog Mode
- Configuring Backup Retention
- Configuring and Using a Flash Recovery Area (FRA)
Using the RMAN Recovery Catalog
- Tracking and Storing Backup Information
- Setting up a Recovery Catalog
- Recording Backups
- Using RMAN Stored Scripts
- Managing the Recovery Catalog (Backup, Export, Import, Upgrade, Drop and Virtual Private Catalog)
Configuring Backup Settings
- Configuring and Managing Persistent Settings for RMAN
- Configuring Autobackup of Control File
- Backup optimization
- Advanced Configuration Settings: Compressing Backups
- Configuring Backup and Restore for Very Large Files (Multisection)
Creating Backups with RMAN
- RMAN backup types
- Creating and Using the following:
- Backup Sets and Image Copies
- Whole Database Backup
- Fast Incremental Backup
- Configure Backup Destinations
- Duplexed Backup Sets
- Archival Backups
Restore and Recovery Task
- Restoring and Recovering
- Causes of File Loss
- Automatic Tempfile Recovery
- Recovering from the Loss of a Redo Log Group
- Recovering from a Lost Index Tablespace
- Re-creating a Password Authentication File
- Complete and Incomplete Recovery
- Other Recovery Operations
Using RMAN to Perform Recovery
- Complete Recovery after Loss of a Critical or Noncritical Data File
- Recovering Image Copies and Switching Files
- Restore and Recovery of a Database in NOARCHIVELOG Mode
- Incomplete Recovery
- Performing Recovery with a Backup Control File
- Restoring from Autobackup: Server Parameter File and Control File
- Restoring and Recovering the Database on a New Host
Monitoring and Tuning RMAN
- Monitoring RMAN Jobs
- Balance Between Speed of Backup Versus Speed of Recovery
- RMAN Multiplexing
- Synchronous and Asynchronous I/O
Diagnosing the Database
- Data Recovery Advisor (DRA)
- Block Corruption
- Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR)
- Health Monitor
- The ADR Command-Line Tool, ADRCI
Using Flashback Technology I
- Flashback Technology: Overview and Setup
- Using Flashback Technology to Query Data
- Flashback Table
- Flashback Transaction Query
- Performing Flashback Transaction Backout
Using Flashback Technology II
- Oracle Total Recall
- Flashback Drop and the Recycle Bin
Performing Flashback Database
- Configuring Flashback Database
- Performing Flashback Database Operations
- Monitoring Flashback Database
Managing Memory
- Oracle Memory Structures
- Oracle Database Memory Parameters
- Using Automatic Memory Management
- Automatic Shared Memory Management
- Using Memory Advisors
- Using Data Dictionary Views
Managing Database Performance
- Tuning Activities
- Using Statistic Preferences
- Optimizer Statistics Collection
- Monitor the Performance of Sessions and Services
- Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
- Describing the Benefits of Database Replay
Managing Performance by SQL Tuning
- SQL Tuning and SQL Advisors
- Using SQL Tuning Advisor
- SQL Access Advisor
- SQL Performance Analyzer Overview
Managing Resources
- Database Resource Manager: Overview and Concepts
- Accessing and Creating Resource Plans
- Creating Consumer Group
- Specifying Resource Plan Directives, including:
- Limiting CPU Utilization at the Database Level
- Instance Caging
- Activating a Resource Plan
- Monitoring the Resource Manager
Automating Tasks with the Scheduler
- Simplifying Management Tasks
- Creating a Job, Program, and Schedule
- Using Time-Based, Event-Based, and Complex Schedules
- Describing the Use of Windows, Window Groups, Job Classes, and Consumer Groups
- Multi-Destination Jobs
Managing Space in Blocks
- Free Space Management
- Monitoring Space
- Compressing Data
Managing Space in Segments
- Segment Creation on Demand
- Additional Automatic Space-Saving Functionalit
- Shrinking Segments
- Segment Advisor
- Managing Resumable Space Allocation
Managing Space for the Database
- Using 4 KB-Sector Disks
- Transporting Tablespaces
- Transporting Databases
Duplicating a Database
- Purpose and Methods of Cloning a Database
- Using RMAN to Create a Duplicate Database
- Cloning a Database from a Backup
- Duplicate a Database Based on a Running Instance
- Targetless Duplicating a Database