
Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing + Degree In Entrepreneuship And Innovation del centro ESIC Campus Barcelona

Programa de Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing + Degree In Entrepreneuship And Innovation

Modalidad: Presencial
Inicio: A partir del 01/09/2023
Duración 5 años
Precio: 10025 €
Localización: Barcelona


Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to define the strategic marketing lines and commercial policies of any company. With the Degree you will learn all about entrepreneurship and you will implement a real business idea.

ESIC offers the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing which is a highly renowned degree within the business and marketing world that prepares participants to face any challenge that may arise in a company.

This degree also provides participants with access to several career opportunities and trains them to assume managerial and executive roles at any national or international organization.

The participants will acquire business knowledge and capabilities, and will learn how to use the proper marketing tools to successfully meet the latest demands of today’s business market.

Student profile: participants with creative potential and interest for new technologies and digital economy who want to develop their career and capabilities in the marketing, sales and/or market research area.

A quién va dirigido

Wants to work in marketing and/or a global and evolving sales environment.

Logical-analytical and creative capacity

Interested in digital business

Leadership skills



Professional development unit

Language School

Training in managerial skills

Entrepreneurial incubator

Internships and Employment in the main companies of the country


First year

Marketing Fundamentals

Company Fundamentals

Business Mathematics

Economic History

Business Sociology

Modelos de Negocio I: Product-Market Fit

Inglés I

Business Communication

Modern Language

Statistics Applied To Marketing

Economy I: Microeconomics

It Applied To Marketing

Espíritu Crítico  


Metodologías Ágiles

Second year

Economy II: Macroeconomics

Economic-financial analysis for marketing I

Legal Regulation of the Market

Marketing and Corporate Social Responsability

Consumer’s Behavior

Strategic Marketing

Modelos de Negocio II: Emprendimiento Social

Ecosistema Emprendedor I

Pensamiento Social Cristiano

Economic-financial Analysis for Marketing II

Market research I

Consumer’s Behavior II

Product Policy

Distribution Policy

Strategic Brand Management

Inglés II

Metodologías de Negociación y Venta


Third year

Communication and Advertising

Decision-Making Methods Applied to Marketing

Marketing and Applied Information System

Prices and Costs Policy

Trading Techniques

Relational and Direct Marketing

Habilidades Personales I: Marca personal y Networking

Modelos de Neogocio III: Intraemprendimiento

Business Start-Up

Human Resources Management

Sales Management

Digital Marketing Strategies

Market Research II

Ecosistema Emprendedor II: Financiero y Legal

Metodologías Narrativas

Fourth year

Ética en Datos e Innovación Responsable

Modelos de Negocio IV: Go to Market

Habilidades Personales II: Liderazgo, Autogestión y Gestión de Equipos

Ecosistema emprendedor III: Asistencia a Ferias, empresas, bootcamps, premios


ESIC GARAGE: Coach por equipo


Customer Experience Management 4,5

New Services Marketing

E-Commerce B

Digital Marketing Metrics & Analytics

Mobile Marketing / Marketing For Mobile Devices

Business Models For Digital Economy

Business Intelligence In A Digital Environment

Creativity And Digital Innovation

I.T. Seminars I (Relational Database In Digital Environments)

Recognized Educational Activities I 4

I.T. Seminars II (Data Analysis For Businesses With Spss)

Recognized Educational Activities II

Learning Activities II

Fifth year

Producción Digital I

Global Innovation: Procesos, producto, y estructura.

Optativa 1

Optativa 2

ESIC GARAGE: Coach por equipo.

Produccción Digital II

Global Mindset


Habilidades Personales III: Oratoria, debate e interpretación.

ESIC GARAGE: Coach por equipo.

Titulación obtenida

Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing + Degree In Entrepreneuship And Innovation


This degree also offers participants access to multiple career opportunities and trains them to assume managerial and executive roles at any national or international organization.

Información Adicional


Marketing Manager

International Business Manager

Brand Manager

Customer Relationship Analyst

Product Manager

Sales Manager

Market Analyst

Business Intelligence Manager

Account Manager

Trade Marketing Manager


Entrepreneur team coach

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