
BA Fashion Design del centro London College of Contemporary Arts

Programa de BA Fashion Design

Modalidad: Presencial
Inicio: A partir del 06/10/2015
Localización: City of London

A quién va dirigido




The BA in Fashion Design enables you to acquire a range of technical, analytical and research skills needed to achieve success in the fashion industry. A careful combination of practical and theoretical elements will help you develop a contextual understanding of fashion design, garment manufacture and fashion image-making.

The course prepares you for professional level projects, both individual and collaborative. The classroom experience is enhanced by visiting industry lecturers and fashion studio visits, giving you a valuable insight into and accurate representation of what it&rsquo,s like to work in fashion.

This programme is ideal for people with a keen interest in and basic knowledge of fashion, looking to embark upon a career in this ever-evolving industry.


The course covers a range of practical and theoretical skills which will help students to develop their deeper contextual knowledge of fashion design, pattern-cutting, sewing, garment finishing, fabric-sourcing and fashion image-making. Together these component parts enable the student to develop their own signature style and also their own ideas about where they fit into the industry.


This programme is aimed at students with an interest in fashion design. This includes the design, development and creation of garments. They will then move on to the presentation and styling of these garments as part of a visual story, which may be for an on or offline, photographic, retail or moving image outcome. We are looking for creative applicants who have an eye for composition, colour, texture and an appreciation of the fashion silhouette in the broadest sense. They must have an interest in fashion which goes beyond that found on the high street. They should be passionate about fashion design, fashion images, the history of fashion, fashion media and fashion trends. We are happy to accept mature students or those wanting to change career direction as well as direct entry applicants from school or foundation programmes


As well as the design, development and creation of garments, you will also learn how the presentation and styling of garments can make a contribution towards a visual story, whether it be photographic or moving image.

Throughout the duration of the course you will be encouraged to experiement as much as possible in order to create your own signature style. The course prepares you for professional level projects, both individually and collaboratively.

Titulación obtenida


Información Adicional


Full secondary education

Minimum of 2 A Levels or equivalent &ndash, UK applicants

Baccalaureate, or any recognized foreign equivalence (NQF Level 3) &ndash, French applicants

English language Requirements: IELTS 6.0 or equivalent

Minimum age: 18 years

We also require:

Complete application form

Personal Statement

Scanned copy of Passport/ID Card

2 letters of recommendation


three years

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