Now you are a TEC Diver and also a PADI Instructor and you like to teach DSAT TEC Programs to your students. In order to become a TEC REC DEEP INSTRUCTOR you have to participate in the TEC REC DEEP INSTRUCTOR PROGRAM and attend an Instructor orientation program. Due to this option you don&rsquo,t have to take the exams at a PADI IE, you simply take your exams under the supervision of our DSAT TEC REC INSTRUCTOR TRAINER. Therefore you save some money and time. After all you are qualified you teach the most comprehensive and educationally valid TEC REC DEEP Programs within the dive industry
Equipment requirements
Students are expected to have the following though we do have equipment for rental by daily rates.
2 back-gas regulators
2 stage regulators (1 O2 cleaned)
2 Depth gauge/timing device or computer
3 SPG',s (1 O2 clean)
Back plate/harness
Wings (redundant) with at least 20kg/44lb lift
Exposure suit protection (recommended 5mm to 7 mm full length and hood)