
JAVA Business & Web Architect del centro Fundación de Egresados de la Universidad Distrital

Programa de JAVA Business & Web Architect

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 120
Localización: Bogotá D.C.



El desarrollo de software es uno de los procesos fundamentales que soportan tecnológicamente la operación de grandes compañías, haciendo uso de middleware sobre redes privadas e Internet, componentes que han cambiado con el paso de los años, y en este cambio el lenguaje JAVA se ha adaptado a ellos evolucionando, brindando simplicidad, flexibilidad y sobretodo desempeño.

La Fundación de Egresados de la Universidad en asocio con ORACLE®, University y su programa WDP (Workforce Development Program), buscamos apoyar el desarrollo de la fuerza laboral certificada e independiente, para lo cual ha diseñado este diplomado que integra 3 programas oficiales:

1. Enfocado a profundizar y afianzar en los participantes los diferentes componentes Empresariales y WEB del lenguaje JAVA®,: JSP, Servlets, EJB&rsquo,s.

2. Profundizar en el desarrollo de aplicaciones WEB usando tecnología Java Server Faces (JSF).

3. Arquitecturas formales para aplicaciones empresariales con JEE.


Módulo I: Developing Applications with Java EE on WebLogic Server

Describir el modelo de aplicación de la plataforma Java EE y el contexto del modelo

Desarrollar una interfaz de usuario basada en web mediante servlets, páginas JSP y tecnología JSF

Desarrollar y ejecutar una aplicación de tecnología EJB

Desarrollar clases de entidad básicas de la API de persistencia de Java para acceder a bases de datos

Desarrollar servicios web sencillos para la plataforma Java EE

Seleccionar el perfil de Java EE adecuado para una aplicación determinada.

Instalar y configurar en nivel básico ORACLE WebLogic Server

Módulo II: Developing Web Applications using JSF Technologies

Diseñar aplicaciones usando arquietecturas, protocolos, tecnologías y componentes estándar.

Configurar JSF dentro del contenedor Web

Diseñar vistas usando JSF and EL

Diseñar componentes personalizados usando Facelets

Implementar plantillas-templates

Diseñar y desarrollar el modelo usando beans o Pojos

Integrar recursos externos tales como JPA dentro de una aplicación Web

Integrar modelos y vistas usando eventos

Validar datos de aplicaciones

Uso de la aplicaciónde conversión de datos

Aplicar AJAX in a JSF page

Usar HTML5 dentro de aplicaciones JSF

Configurar y asegurar aplicaciones JSF

Usar librerías de terceros.

Módulo III: Architect Enterprise Applications with Java EE

Proporcionar los conocimientos necesarios para conocer y crear los documentos que se generan en la fase de definición de la arquitectura y diseño de un sistema.

Exponer técnicas de optimización de nuestro sistema en las distintas capas del mismo

Hacer buen uso de los componentes de tecnología de Java JEE para resolver problemas típicos dentro de la arquitectura de un sistema.

Derivar los sistemas de software utilizando técnicas descritas en el EE Blueprint y soluciones Java definida en lospatrones de Java EE

Direccionar los requisitos de calidad de servicio de manera rentable mediante las técnicas de trade-off de ingeniería

Describir el papel del arquitecto y de los entregables de un arquitecto.

Enumerar y describir los problemas típicos asociados con los sistemas empresariales a gran escala.


Programadores de tecnología Java concertificación de Sun(TM) u ORACLE que desean desarrollar aplicaciones que cumplan con los estándares de la plataforma JavaEnterprise Edition.

Profesionales con experiencia en programación con el lenguaje Java que están interesados en obtener una visióngeneral de la plataforma Java EE, Componentes Empresariales y WEB, además de Arquitectura de Aplicaciones. Profesionales o Técnicos que planean rendir uno o varios exámenes de certificación deEnterprise Java EE6.



Java Platform, Enterprise Edition

Describe the purpose of the Java EE Platform

Describe the needs of enterprise applications

List the various Java EE specifications

Compare services and libraries

Describe the Java EE Web Profile

Describe the EE application tiers and layers

Enterprise Development Tools and Application Servers

Describe the purpose of an application server

Identify the potential selection criteria used when choosing an application server

Install the Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Zip Distribution

Describe the properties of Java EE components

Describe the process of developing a Java EE application

Describe how to configure and package Java EE applications

List EE supporting features provided by integrated development environments (IDEs)

JavaBeans, Annotations, and Logging

Describe the Java SE features that are used extensively in enterprise applications

Create POJO JavaBeans components

Log application activity and errors

Write to server logs

Describe common Java SE annotations and features

Develop Java annotations

Describe the role of annotations in Java EE

Web Component Model

Describe the HTTP request-response model

Define the difference between Java Servlets, JSP, and JSF components

Implement application layering and the MVC Pattern

Avoid thread safety issues in web components

Use the Expression Language

Developing with JavaServer Faces Technology

Evaluate the role of JavaServer Faces (JSF) technology as a presentation mechanism

Describe the flow of the JSF life cycle

Author JSF pages using Facelets

Process form submissions and use JSF managed beans

Describe the use of JSF tag libraries

Use the appropriate annotation to control the scope of a bean instance

Use a component to iterate over values in a collection

Using AJAX and Composite Components with JSF

Define Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)

Describe how JSF Components can be enhanced with AJAX

Use the tag

Describe how AJAX request integrates with the JSF life cycle

Define a composite component

Create a JSF composite component

Fundación de Egresados U.D.


Diploma de Asistencia


Apache Trinidad JSF Component Library and Mobile Development

Create JavaServer Faces (JSF) pages that use Apache Trinidad components

Create a JSF-based mobile application

Dynamically apply Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) with Trinidad Skinning

Use the HTML5 video tag

Dependency Injection With CDI

Create managed bean compatible classes

Inject managed beans

Qualify the bean being requested at an injection point

Use CDI alternatives

Using JSF and Bean Validation

Define the approach JSF uses to convert and validate input data

Use built-in validation constraints provided with JSF

Use built-in validation constraint annotations provided by Bean Validation

Create a custom Bean Validation constraint

Developing Servlets

Describe the servlet API

Use the request and response APIs

Set response headers

Create text and binary response bodies

Process file uploads using servlets

Forward to JSPs using RequestDispatcher

Use the session management API

Developing with JavaServer Pages Technology

Evaluate the role of JSP technology as a presentation mechanism

Author JSP pages

Process data received from servlets in a JSP page

Describe the use of tag libraries

EJB Component Model

Describe the role of EJB components in a Java EE application

Describe the benefits of EJB components

Describe the operational characteristics of a stateless, stateful, and singleton session beans

Create session beans

Create session bean clients

The Java Persistence API

Describe the role of the Java Persistence API (JPA) in a Java EE application

Explain the basics of object-relational mapping

Describe the elements and environment of an entity component

Describe the life cycle and operational characteristics of entity components

Implementing a Transaction Policy

Describe transaction semantics

Compare programmatic and declarative transaction scoping

Use JTA to scope transactions programmatically

Implement a container-managed transaction policy

Support optimistic locking with the versioning of entity components

Support pessimistic locking using EntityManager APIs

Describe the effect of exceptions on transaction state

Getting Started with JavaServer Faces

List common requirements for web applications

Describe the JSF Web Application framework

Describe the architecture of the JSF Web Applications

Describe the development view of a JSF Application

Walk through a simple JSF web application

Review the lifecycle of a JSF application

Create and deploy a simple JSF web application

Designing JSF Pages Using Facelets

Describe the hierarchy of UI components

Evaluate the structure of JSF pages

List the tag libraries supported in Facelets

Describe the JSF Core Tag Library

Describe the HTML RenderKit Tag Library

List common attributes of the HTML tags

Use common UI components to design Facelets pages

Developing Managed Beans

Use JSR-299: Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) annotation

Declare managed beans using annotations

Bind UI Components with Managed Beans

Use managed bean scopes, including Flash

Use the Unified Expression Language (EL)

Use the faces-config.xml Configuration File

Configure beans in the faces-config.xml file

Working with Navigation

Use static and dynamic navigation

Define implicit navigation in JSF pages

Configure navigation rules and cases

Describe the navigation evaluation process

Create a bookmarkable view

Creating Message Bundles

Create a message bundle for multiple languages

Use a message bundle

Localize an application

Using JSF Templates

Use the JSF Facelets Tag Library

Create a template and apply it to multiple pages

Describe how to use a decorator

Use the debugging feature built into JSF

Converting and Validating Data

Describe the data conversion and validation process

Use standard data converters and validators

Configure default validators

Develop and use custom converters and validators

Work with data conversion and validation error messages

Use Bean Validation (JSR-303)


Introducing Enterprise Architecture

What is Enterprise Architecture?

An Architect&rsquo,s Roles and Responsibilities

Introducing Fundamental Architectural Concepts

Distinguish between architecture and design

Architectural Patterns

Architectural Deliverable Artifacts

What is an Enterprise Architecture Framework

Developing a Security Architecture

Analyzing the Impact of Security in Distributed Computing

Examining Security in the Java EE Technology

Understanding Web Services Security

Understanding Non-Functional Requirements

Examining Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs)

Common Practices for Improving Qualities

Prioritizing Quality-of-Service (QoS) Requirements

Inspecting QoS Requirements for Trade-offs

Defining Common Problems and Solutions: Risk Factors and System Flexibility

Identifying Risk Factors

Designing a Flexible Object Model

Defining Common Problems and Solutions: Network, Transaction and

Capacity Planning

Describing Network Communication Guidelines

Justifying the Use of Transactions

Planning System Capacity

Java EE 6 Overview

Java EE 6 Goals

Java EE Containers

Classic Java EE 5 Architecture

Impact of Java EE 6 on Architecture

Developing an Architecture for the Client Tier

Client Tier Development Roles

Information Architecture Client Concerns

Selecting User Interface Devices and Technologies

Discovering Reusability in the Client Tier

Deployment Strategies for the User Interface

Security Concerns in the Client Tier


Developing an Architecture for the Web Tier

Responsibilities of the Web Tier

Seperation of Concerns

Comparing Web Tier Frameworks

Providing Security in the Web Tier

Scaling the Web Tier

Developing an Architecture for the Business Tier

Business Tier Technologies

Architecting the Domain Model

Development Best Practices

Información Adicional


Diploma de Asistencia




Cumplir con cualquiera de estos 4 requerimientos:

1. Haber tomado el Diplomado JAVA Programmer de la FEUD y ORACLE.

2. Tener experiencia mínima de un año con el lenguaje de programación Java, preferiblemente certificado comoOracle Certified Professional Java Programmer o Sun Certified Java Programmer, cualquier edición

3. Estar familiarizado con: serialización de objetos, teoría de bases de datos relacionales y nociones del lenguaje estructurado de consultas (SQL) uso de un IDE.

4. Haber tomado cursos o materias de Universidad o Técnicos de programación en JAVA.
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